You have such a great question. I had no information on this subject. That problem is now fixed!
This might be close enough for government work:
Blog, "You’re probably
Iodine deficient," by Cheryl
"My ulcerative colitis (AKA Chrohn's disease) went into complete remission for the first time in 10 years (after taking
Iodine for 1 month)
Summary of her Blog:
1) Bingo! PubMed Study of
Iodine & Crohns Disease vs iodine deficiency:
2) "It’s also (iodine) heavily absorbed by the bowel (which is why iodine deficiency can cause inflammatory bowel disease)."
- reference to Brownstein
3) She could not tolerate 50mg a day, but did well at 37.5mg a day of iodoral, took her 6 months to become iodine sufficient per Hakala Labs testing kit.
4) "My thyroid nodules went away and my thyroid levels returned to normal."
Bottom line. This is such an excellent testimonial, I've added it to our Testimonials file:
Many thanks for bring this subject up for discussion,