1)I also had problems the first time I tried the SWF. Actually threw up about 6-8 ozs before I was able to control my gag reflex. I was able to sip instead of gulp with licks of lemon/lime in between to get about 22 ozs. down within 10 minutes. Kind of like a tequila shot. =D. That amount worked fine for flushing out "my" system. There are also some yoga postures that help you get it down easier if liquid bulk is the problem. Search the forum for info on those under "SWF". I found the SWF, although icky going down, to be much gentler on my system and with only about a two hour window of effects more manageable. An herbal laxative tea is fine. I think teas with senna have been recommended on the forum before. I've used the "Get regular" tea, I think by Yogi. Take morning and night if you don't do the SWF. I found the tea caused bloating and cramping most of the night through and during the days that I took it. I'd rather deal with 10 minutes of downing warm salt water than cramping all night. Ick! Pepe has recommended the Celtic
Sea Salt as being the most pleasant to taste. Plus, the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) acts as an internal wash not just a laxative. It's benefits extend much further than just elimination.
2)Lots of people do batch supplies of the 'ade and it has worked just fine for them. I usually did a day batch and made a fresh batch for the evening. Tasted fresher that way too. Kind of like making dinner for yourself while cooking for others.
3)I don't have any info on the asthma. I actually had massive allergies hit me during days 3-6 on the
Master-Cleanse and just drank more 'ade and added a little more pepper for congestion. Worked better than the Flonase for my husband.
Good luck on your 21 days! Fast on!