So i am on day 12 of my water fast. my protocol has been distilled water with one small bottle of premium spring water(Fiji) every other day because the taste of distilled makes me sick after a few days.
i use an enema every other day regardless of what others preach on here i feel that the benefits far exceed any negatives that other people believe. plus the enema protocol is well documented, and recommended, far before
Shelton started preaching against it. even on day that i dont use an enema i have at least 2 BM everyday and it appears to be mucus in nature or it looks like really thick coffee....yesterday on day 11 i passed my first solids since my fast started and i attribute that to the deep tissue massage that i got the day before. in addition to things that people say you shouldn't do i also walk at least a mile a day and sit in the sauna. my hair has started coming in fingernails are growing out of skin is softer than ever...any blemishes that i had on my body have almost all faded eyes are as white as ever.
energy levels fluctuate; some times i get really lightheaded but other times(especially at the gym) i am full of energy.
i weighed exactly 240 on first day of fast..i lost about 2lbs per day the first few days..then for a few days i didnt lose a pound...then the night after my massage i lost over 2lbs. I also lost 2lbs last night. I am currently weighing in at 222 exactly so that is 18lb loss in 12 days.
i dont know how long i plan to fast but probably not too much longer. i initiated that fast to break some addictions that i developed and i know i am already over those but i feel like a few more days will do me good. i plan on breaking my fast with some organic, fresh masticated, vegetable juice diluted in distilled water. a few days later i plan to eat
Watermelon as my first solid food.
ok that's it...peace y'all