I assume you are female since T seems to affect libido more in females than males.
You'll see T, DHT, estrogens in the image below.
Saw Palmetto has a reputation for reducing the conversion of T to DHT.
I wonder if you need to increase conversion of androgens (T, etc) to estrogens. I'm not aware of any great ways to enhance the activity of the enzyme aromatase--cf image above.
It is much more common for people to want to reduce the activity of aromatase when estrongens are high and
Breast Cancer is involved.
If you come across anything that can assist aromatase please let me know. My fiance has a tendency towards high T and low estrogen.
She's currently trying this product before going with estrogen cream or other product.
Do you have symptoms of a mild form of Congenital adrenal hyperplasia? My understanding is that the body does not convert progesterone towards cortisol at a normal rate. Instead hormones get converted towards androgens at a higher than normal rate.
I hear that women who have had this tendency their entire life can have a somewhat more masculine appearance and traits.