I Cured My Candida - Testimonial
by GinaGirl, "I don't believe Iodine is enough in tough candida cases;
I have taken Borax (11 % boron content) along with iodine and cured myself for candida (had it for 20 years) without changing my diet very much.
that is; I am symptom free; have not had an outbreak in almost two years (I started borax two-three months before iodine) Selenium is also important when it comes to handle candida and cancer.
I first thought it was the candida killing quality of Borax that was the clue; but now I believe it is more to it than that; as boron is VERY important for the intestinal flora ++.
Here is some clipping from Olree;from an interview with Acres U.S.A ; a couple of things I would like to comment. Candida is known to be related to Sugar consumption (Boron plays a part here) Dandruff may be a candida infection of the scalp (hence selsun / selenium) there is some truth in this in my experience; though I prefer Borax here.
"In Minerals for the Genetic Code, boron
comes off as one of four magnificent
minerals — the other three being iodine,
selenium and magnesium — that belong
in the survival kit of most people in most
parts of the country. It is probably safe
to say that most physicians no longer
remember — if they ever knew — that
boron plays a part in the body’s sugar
metabolism equation."
"ACRES U.S.A. What happens if you
don’t have selenium in your diet at the
appropriate levels?
OLREE. The symptomatology is not like
that of other vitamins and minerals where
you can see that a patient is totally deficient.
Selenium deficiencies are very subtle:
chronic viral infection and dandruff
(the hair shampoo Selsun Blue, as in
“selenium blue,” uses selenium sulfide as
its active ingredient) are examples of a
person low on selenium.
This is the first of many testimonials from the VWT Iodine Forum that I am adding to my research reports. While the Candida Cure Forum has spent the last 11 years drifting in circles, the VWT Iodine Forum has been quietly curing candida as if were a sniffle. Reason is that Iodine with co-supplements cures the immune system instead of treating the symptom.
More on Candida: http://tinyurl.com/Iodine-Candida