Hello there, I was just wondering if anyone else is going to be starting
The Master Cleanse soon or is currently on it?
I am just starting myself.
It's been a year since I last did it. Last year I started out by doing like 5 days of the MC, then I went to a pure
Water Fast for 7 days - that was my first time doing just water, then I went back to the
Master-Cleanse for a few days, then eased into food again by doing the OJ for a few days, then just pure fresh juices for a few days then raw.
I was doing really good - I lost weight of course, but the main reason I did it all was to reboot & cleanse my body. I had years of toxins & meds built up in me. After being on painkillers & medications for 14 yrs, I was able to go fully off them & haven't been on them since.
I felt so great afterword. I did that in August, and stayed true on a vegetarian/vegan diet and was gluten free. dairy free & ate well for many months. I been working with my Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr with all this.
Overall I lost 60 lbs, of which I recently gained back 10 lbs :( So I am still 50 lbs down & its been a year. It's time for me to work on my other 60 lbs (now 70 lbs)
I have fallen off my eating lately - been cheating too much & have been eating meat again, snuck in gluten things & been eating cheese again & having
Sugar & been drinking too much again - so yea, time to stop it all.
I figure doing this like I did last year is the best way to cleanse the body, break the habits, and get over the addictions of food & certain foods & alcohol.
Everytime I have done this or other cleanses/fasts I have had time off at work. This will be my first one that I am doing while still working. It should be interesting.
I am not setting a set end date or duration yet - I didn't last year either, I just went with my body & how I was feeling & what my dr thought too. That way, if I do 3 days, 5, 7 or 10, I am not disappointing myself if I have to stop.
Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else is currently starting soon or recently started as well?