Regarding the pulses coming off the Sun, Astral Traveler responds to BPEarthWatch's request beginning @ 15:40.
"If you are looking for a confirmation that this entire Solar System is being influenced by an outer source, you won't find a better source of data. For the end, a couple of words for BPEarthWatch, who recorded those strange waves on Stereo Ahead HI1 images... I will be honest; I have no idea what caused them & what they can mean.
However, I can tell you a couple things: those disturbances were not recorded on any other monitors, including the ground observatories... They appeared on Stereo data only twice (on 19.7). So, they can't be connected with Schumann Resonance bursts, which can be seen much more often. At at last - they can't be connected to the sprites & dark lightnings, which are caused by discharges of positive particles into the space, where they leave the magnetospere as plasma bubbles (plasmoids) - what can be seen on the SMWF monitors almost everyday... So, if you are looking for the explanation of the sprites, I would suggest to watch those monitors carefully."
To me, the statement he makes regarding the confirmation that this entire Solar System is being influenced by an outer source (cosmic rays/waves)... that says it all for me, as the Sun is part of, central, to the entire Solar System.
"To me it doesn't make sense why this guy doesn't sound like he knows what the true meanings are unless he really didn't have that much input. Who puts that much symbolism and money into something and doesn't know every reason?"
Artists & their artwork comes out of the right side of the brain. The left brain contains logic, calculation, manipulation. I've done a bit of artwork in my day. And believe me, when you are in the 'creationary process' you open yourself to your own intuitive senses, emotional expressions & spontaneous impulses... its the right-side, creationary side of one self. Refreshed, you say: 'Who puts that much symbolism & money into something & doesn't know every reason?' Well, its an artist who is true to himself that does this.
Creating artwork is truly a journey into self-discovery. If you are doing your artwork for others, trying to please others, then its not art.
In the AJ interview, he explains what he's found what others have thought of his use of symbolism. But he also explains what these things have meant to himself, as well. Its an on-going process. And as time goes on, he understands better the what & the why & the reason behind his own creationary process. I think that he explained himself quite well.
My two years ago interpretation of this video as follows:
And, Here's my take:
The Jesus looking character represents humanity. Mostly asleep. The awakening of humanity is represented by the flame of awareness, heart center - unconditional love. As the fire grows (consciousness increases) it will melt away the old paradigm. As the paradigm melts away due to the fire of awareness of the awakening masses, we become free from the old infrastructure built by the old ideology. And awakening to the memory of who we really are - symbolized by the character finally opening his eyes as he becomes free from the old (frozen) paradigm.
The Sun plays a part in this.
Mayan Calendar prophecy says that the ending of the "5th Sun" will be by fire. The galactic center sends energy to this solar system as it passes through the galactic plane. The sun will be/is strongly affected. As the magnetosphere cracks apart, new energies will find their way to the core of Earth, triggering the genetic codes to re-awaken as well.
The old paradigm will be destroyed. Illuminati hierarchy, symbolized by the Pyramidal structures, these are the buildings that u see that are being destroyed by energies transmitted to the Earth from the Galactic center via the heliosphere of the solar system - i.e. the Sun.
Flower of Life:
Perhaps it may be my own projection, but there it is.