Jay Weidner joins us on"Shattering The Matrix". He speaks about Stanley Kubrick's involvement in creating the "Faked" Moon Landings. He then puts on his "hat" of modern-day Indiana Jones and begins to reveal things he has not revealed in any Radio Show before! So, you are all getting it for the first time!
He goes in depth into the Archons/Entities that are controlling this planet but he reveals an amazing link to the Nazis, Kubrick, J.R.R. Tolkien, 911 & Rennes-le-chateau! Join us for this amazing investigative journey in discovering what is at the root of the evil on the planet and how it may culminate in a very large False-Flag/Staged Event to get us to relinquish our freedom to the dark forces.
Red Ice Radio - Jay Weidner - Hour 1 - On the Edge of the Precipice of Civilization
We'll discuss current politics in America ranging from insane leftists such as Bill Ayers, to communism and neo-cons who push for war. Jay speaks about how we're on the precipice of either a successful revolution or the final throes of the ending of our civilization. Later, Jay talks about how liberals do not see the bigger picture, only what makes them feel good in the moment. In the member's hour, we'll discuss the Hollywood propaganda machine and getting the alternative going. Jay ties in the Brotherhood of Saturn, which includes cultural Marxists who seek to "transform humanity into slaves for the gods.