Can anyone direct me or post the range that Dr Brownstein and the other guru's say is not normal for hypothyroid?
I know they say the standard tests need to be changed but can't find the ratio they use.
thanks, Raider
Your thyroid has big problems if your body temp is below normal. That is all you need to know. You take Iodine (or Natural Dessicated Thyroid Hormone until your body temp is normal. You can drive yourself crazy worrying about blood test numbers. The numbers and your thyroid will take care of itself when supplied with Iodine and selenium.
To look at this in a different light, the testing numbers get screwed up because of the toxins of fluoride, bromide & chlorine. So don't look at the numbers and focus on body temp instead.
When you say "range" what are you referring to? Lab test numbers? If so, then you have to take any "range" with a grain of salt because "ranges" are based on a population and you are an individual.
What matters to you is your levels or more accurately your historic levels. Comparing yourself to others does little good.
All the guru Thyroid Drs online tell you the tests that you need to ask your dr for and not just the TSH. They have said many times the tests are not accurate and need to be changed. Why would they tell you to have all these tests I had done if the tests don't actually tell if you have thyroid problems? I thought there would be some guideline.