Hey guys, new to the forum here and first I want to say I'm extremely thankful for everyone on here as this board has helped me miles more than my endo has.
I'm currently treating my adrenals after they went south after taking synthroid for a mild case of hypothyroidsim. (which I realize now was caused by adrenal fatigue)
after a long bout of insomnia,air hunger, and breathlessness I stopped the synthroid and started to treat my adrenals, which worked like a charm. after one week of adrenal support I was feeling really good, fatigue was gone, I could breath and sleep again, and my thyroid levels were actually getting in the right place (while synthroid made them go haywire. this is about week 3 into treatment and my metabolic temperatures according to DR.RInd.s graph show my adrenals are now supported as my temperatures are steady (at 97.7) and dont fluctuate, but are still low which fits in as some of my hypo symptoms still linger. I'm starting to experience some familiar heart palpitations and jumpiness so I'm guessing I should stop the cortex for now since my adrenals seem ok and see if my temperatures stay steady but I was wondering if my adrenals are ok now at this point to start on the 15mg of armour thyroid my endo prescribed to finally get rid of this 6 month stint of mild hypothyroidism? or will my thyroid heal naturally since my guess is my hypothyroidism was secondary to adrenal fatigue? also, even if my temperatures are good and my adrenals are supported is it ok for me to take licorice and ashwagahnda and the like while I treat my thyroid?
Again, thank you all so much! :)