For years I suffered from insomnia. Most striking was the sound sensitivity; a minor sound from a car, squeeking door, or some music from my neighbours would keep me awake. This is a sign of magnesium deficiency, even if I took loads of this it seemed as this problem persisted, though a lot better than it was years ago. Waking up at 4 o clock too often, adrenal time; I had adrenal fatigue.
The salt, iodine etc I took for years changed this, a steadily improvement year by year.
The potassium I took latest months, lithium, helped; my sleep got deeper, better.
Then I started the dhea a month or two back; out of curiosity of what would happen. I am, believe it or not; very sensitive to supplements.
At a (sleeping) night shift some nights ago my collegue asked if I slept well; as it had been a lot of noise that night. I havent noticed any of it, slept like a baby. I realized something had changed.
It might have been the dhea that made the difference, but also the fact that we have had loads of sunshine lately, vit D up; I always slept better in the summer.
Or a combination of all.