Oral use of DMSO or
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) (hydrogen peroxide) to 'kill' viruses both require distilled water in significant quantities, and it doesn't seem easy to source. De-ionised water is different. How do people manage? Allow chlorine to dissipate in the fridge? Fluoride filters cost about £300! Not worry about the fluoride in tap water in certain areas? Buy bottle water, but is it actually better? DMSO is of most concern as the BBB (Blood Brain Barrier) is traversed.
Thanks for your thoughts ;-)
Research - I can't post the links :-(:
"Keeping a jug or suitable container of fresh tap water in the fridge for a few hours will allow the chlorine to dissipate and help reduce the taste" by a water company.
UK Fluoridation map (0.49 mg F/Litre is the lowest) by DEFRA in their fluoridemap.pdf
Fluoride content of 25 still bottled waters (0.02 to 0.37 mg F/Litre) by the journal Nature.
"Researchers found bottled variety is subject to far less stringent safety tests than tap water and is much more likely to be contaminated or become a source of infection." in a fairly reliable newspaper.