Rense 6/10/2014

Hour2: Gordon Duff (CLICK to LISTEN)

TOPIC(S): This particular interview with Gordon Duff is transcribe it to a written format. Continuing with Part 2 as follows:

Gordon Duff: Over a period of two weeks, I did extensive debriefing…and I can tell you some of the places this went, because we’re still putting some of this together. The names always come up, and you know, I would love to be able to name everyone.

In particular, Bush 43 [George W] was a victim of blackmail, and a total dupe. When he sat there reading his little goat book, he knew it was coming.

But what they had on him is that they had him as a participant in the sale of the [nuclear] weapon. That’s why they had to lock up [Viktor] Bout. That’s why they extradited him when they went after Dimitri Khalezov.

Viktor Bout & Dimitri Khalezov

Similarly, we deeply parallel many of the things that Khalezov had espoused, but paralleled them. Where Khalezov had been given relatively accurate information about more than a few things.

One of the things that has become a major issue now is the strange case of Michael Shrimpton [See below]. I want to go on a run here. I’ve got to build a timeline:

In 1988, Dimona went down, and with Dimona, Israel had an aging nuclear infrastructure – low quality of weapons, they would never be able to bring it back. In 1991, the START Treaty, the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, was signed bringing a flood, along with the end of the Soviet unlon – a flood of nuclear weapons back to the U.S. And that became a “chilly picking round”. Simultaneously, with the demise of the Soviet unlon & the break-up, nuclear arsenals throughout Russia went into the hands of local generals, who functioned as warlords. The United States put of a 30 billion dollar fund to buy these weapons back.

Jeff Rense: To buy them up – it was like a Walmart sale.

Gordon Duff: And that fund was run by a Democratic Congressman called Gary Condit. And Gary Condit got “honey trapped”. Who got him? - Chandra Levy.

Rense: Yeah, sure. And paid for it, too.

G Duff: Yeah. And, this is a major source of material we could work on for weeks, of the tens of billions of dollars that through Condit, and Condit basically got stung in his sex scandal in 2003.

Rense: Excuse me, do we think that Condit was directly physically complicit in her death, or was she bumped off & then that was hung around his neck like an albatross.

Gordon Duff: It was hung around his neck like an albatross because she took a run at Dick Cheney.

Rense: Alright.

G Duff: Okay. Second point here: same, same – ‘honey trap’, nuclear weapons. And, here, I’ll give you the rationale, Monica Lewinski – same thing. She was thrown at Clinton. And its not over just keeping the flow of nuclear weapons going to Israel & onto the open market. And there’s so many of them out there, and we’ll get to all of this…

Rense: It ain’t even funny. Yep.

Gordon Duff: But in Washington, while all this money was going out, the Russian Mafia that was peddling nuclear weapons… and this is what I was told: they would come up with a garbage can with plutonium dust in it & they’d pay 25 million dollars for it. Well, this is the term that was used by the person who ran the program for Condit called it the “Jewish Russian Mafia” – I ain’t saying that, that’s what ‘they’ said.

And this money, these tens of billions of dollars, peppered Washington DC. The money that we thought was drug money – and it must have been Sheldon Adelson or the oil companies that were paying it off, for whatever. During this period – and this would be the Clinton Administration & into the Bush administration – the group that paid for the overthrow of the U.S in the 2000 election, that was paid for with slush money that was bled out of the funds that were paid for the recovery of Russian nuclear weapons.

That 10 billion dollars went into the private accounts of members of Congress & key Washingtonians – 10 billion dollars earmarked to pay for Russian nuclear weapons, and no one has followed any of that. You & I remember when that program started, and then everything went quiet. “We’re bringing scientists, we’re buying the bombs!” –Yeah.

In January 1992, two 550 kiloton bombs were purchased as part of this program from Tajikistan. These weapons were transferred to Germany. There, they were maintained – the strange case of Michael Shrimpton [also see below - nuke near the Olympic stadium in London]. The Germans in… and these were part of a series of… and these were city busters, these aren’t little knock-down the World Trade Center nukes, these would have smoked 5 burroughs.

The German government has a nuclear arsenal. And they have achieved it in these ways: The got a hold of a large Russian nuclear warhead off SS20s , which they have maintained. The Germans have long been involved in nuclear proliferation, if one looked at the South African program & Johan Meier – all of the A.Q. Khan ‘program’ [Abdul Qadeer Khan - secret nuclear network].

The ones that people said the Pakistanis were involved in – the Germans did this. The Germans have the ability to produce Tritium. The Germans can service hydrogen bombs, and have.

Before the Olympics, and this goes back to the scandals over the news of the world – the phone hacking of Britain’s Security Service, the Chilcot Inquiry – showing that Tony Blair & others, including Cameron, had been involved in the sale of nuclear weapons, along with Bush 43 & others. And, we can name people that died like Roland Carnaby, the CIA agent murdered in 2011 by a Houston police officer, while attempting to stop a trade of nuclear weapons. He was actually going to Bush 41 to intercede. We could talk about another person who was involved earlier on – John O’Neil, with another…

Rense: Yep – paid for it.

Gordon Duff: We have within Britain, the brother of the former head of Special Branch, who was the chief financial officer of Kroll was also murdered. I will not mention him, because he was a personal friend – And I did the special investigation with Kroll. But that’s what that tracks down also. But the entire British government was wiretapped, investigated & of course caught in one kind of scandal after another.

Rense: Shrimpton was writing for you on Veterans Today.

Gordon Duff: Shrimpton still writes for me. As a matter of fact he was just at the D-Day Celebration in Normandy representing us [Veterans Today] with the French government. Shrimpton received a contact from the head of Russian Naval Intelligence during the Olympics. Russian Naval Intelligence informed him that a large nuclear weapon was loaded onto a Israeli Dolphin submarine, that. NATO knew about this. The U.S. was there. Britain was there. They were going to seize this weapon in the English Channel. But the British blocked the American boat & this weapon was delivered outside to a warehouse 8 miles from the Olympic stadium. We have secured information from NEST teams [Nuclear Emergency Support Team] in the U.S. that seized the weapon. The Nuclear Emergency Team said that the U.S. recovered the weapon.

Rense: Where?

Gordon Duff: Eight (8) miles from the Olympic stadium in London. It was on ground, on land & live!

Jeff Rense: Oh great!

Gordon Duff: Real - totally real. And, here’s our second confirmation on this: March 17 2014, the head of Russian Naval Intelligence is at a security conference in Tulsa Oklahoma, attended by the heads of all major oil companies, including the head of British Petroleum. While at that conference, his assistant was the head of the
IAEA, let’s say its someone I know personally, who helped with the briefing. The briefing this year described Shrimpton’s story, which has been published widely. And this involved two weapons & two submarines. One weapon was to go to Britain to blackmail the British government, and may very well have been the real 9/11. Because if we go back to 2001, that was a demonstration – the full "Jericho" was the plan – to set off dirty bombs & tactical nuclear weapons in 25 American cities. Weapons stored – and you know where they were stored… don’t you….

Rense: I got a pretty good guess.

Gordon Duff: Yes. Who did it?

Rense: Well, our friends. Lol…

Gordon Duff: See, there are two people that live at the periphery of what we call ‘reality’. One is Michael Shrimpton – a good friend of mine. Michael Shrimpton is an Israeli Intelligence Asset – simple as that – but he’s also a stand-up guy. What am I suppose to do?

Rense: Yeah, I hear ya.

G Duff: The other one is Benjamin Fulford. Sometimes an utter & absolute maniac, who talks about groups that none of us ever heard of, as does Shrimpton.

Well, when dealing with the Nuclear NonProliferation authorities, here, and while they’re repatriating documents to Veterans Today, we were told the second Tajikistan bomb was used to cause the tsunami for Fukushima. And that a second weapon, that a smaller fission weapon, was used in one of the ponds there. I have all of the plans for the reactors – Westinghouse Reactors – there was no way that Fukushima could ever scramble and blow up.

Davis–Besse, which is right by my home, is almost an identical reactor. Davis-Besse had a full meltdown. If a nuclear core goes China Syndrome & hits the water, it breaks into gravel & you can vacuum it up. There is no such thing as China Syndrome. Fukushima was blown up in the same extent. I was also told that the test for this was the Indian Ocean tsunami which went a little bigger than they expected, and killed a half million people.

Rense: Well, you’ve laid it out as well as anybody could lay it out. I am not a buyer, but its very interesting. We just differ on that.

G Duff: I’ll tell you what… we’ve got a while, you can go through the material. If you have questions, submit the questions. Some of the sources I am using here are people you know.

Rense: Oh, I know. If Japan weren’t the earthquake capital of the know universe, and overdo for a big one, and one year earlier – almost a week apart one year – an enormous quake 8.8 hit Chile, and then you have an opposite kind of a rebound quake across the ocean – Southern Hemisphere – you can draw a line to it to the Northern Hemisphere.

Gordon Duff: What’s critical that we do is that we differentiate the Department of Energy’s Sandia study issues, and those things that we have confirmation from the Russians. And, there are separate areas where we have confirmations from the U.N. people which is not the same thing. This is an issue. And if we time, and we had the audience necessary, and there needs to be more than just you & I on the call, we would be able to differentiate & grade all of this intelligence. And to some of this, I have tons of documents – tons!

Rense: Okay, I believe you. Alright. Very interesting. That’s what talk radio is suppose to be. Thank you, Gordy, as always. We’ll talk to you in a couple weeks, if you’re around.

Gordon Duff: Look forward to it, Jeff.
