You know, the biggest problem with healthy diets is that you don't know what a heathy diet is.
I don't know hwat a
healthy Diet is for you.
Sure, if you eliminate all foods with
preservatives (
sulfites , nitrities,
nitrates ,
sorbates ,
citrates ,
benzoates , etc),
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) ,
Sugar , corn syrup , margarin , vinegar, vine, alcohol etc ... we know that is healthy and that is good.
But, while that may be good enough for let say 70 - 80% of modern people, there are still 20-30% of those who may not get cured just by eliminating the junk.
Those 20-30% might have candidiasis or congested liver or serious food intollerance or allergies, and those people may need more than just healthy food and a gym.
Some people may need to eliminate gluten. Others may need to eliminate milk for fast results.
Some may need to leiminate night shade vegetables like paprika, tomatos, potatos, eggplant.
Some may need to eliminate nuts, lemon, oranges.
Some may need to get rid of a cat or a dog, as they are allergic to animals.
Some may need to eliminate eggs, or meat or shellfish.
That is why I don't know what
healthy Diet for you is.
I know what
healthy Diet for me is.
As long as I eliminate all industrial foods with additives, I am perfectly healthy.
But, that wasn't enough for me 15 years ago.
15 years ago I had to eliminate eggs and meat and milk.
You may also be be one out of 20% who is different than the majority.
But, I know one thing.
If you get your hends on a
cheap juicer (I have seen them for $50), and if you just try to live 5 days on vegetable juices (few vegetables like carrots, beats, cabbage, garlic, onion, ginger, etc)
you will most likely eliminate EC very fast.
In a few days you will feel the results.
The advantage of juice fasting is that you naturally eliminate everything other people have problems tolerating, like gluten, nuts, milk, eggs, meat, fish etc.
Another thing that may help fast is
Liver Flush .
It is just olive oil + grapefruit juice + magnesium sulfate.
Read also
Iodine forum for ideas on how to use
Lugols iodine.
You can apply
Lugols Iodine on your skin, instead of consuming it orraly.
Not on your lips.
You can use deluted
Lugols on your lips.
Delute just a few drops per glass of water, and wash your lips with it.
Hope this helps.