What you report seems very general and unspecific. It does not sound like major problems, maybe a few small warning signs that you need to take heed of. I guess that you seem to have a very negative opinion of yourself and fixing that would do more good for you than anything else. All that tends to go along with depressive tendencies. A person believes that they are not good enough or are undeserving.
Many people have bad breath, it's often caused by certain bacteria in the oral cavity. There are some oral probiotics made by various companies such as garden of life probiotic smile, which can help destroy the unwanted bacteria. They are small mints which a person can suck which release the bacteria. The quantities of bacteria are quite low at around 200,000 CFU per mint so to be more cost effective these can be made into yoghurt which worked surprisingly well in my experience. Avoid mouth washes because they unbalance the bacteria in the mouth. Add beneficial bacteria and do not destroy them because it will give opportunities to unwanted bacteria.
Smells are often a result of bacteria doing their thing, consuming food, ie sweat and body secretions. Staying clean will lessen it. Finding competing bacteria and adding them might help control the unwanted ones. It's about balance and shifting things in the direction that is more beneficial.
Freckles, lots of people have them. Have they changed from how they have always been?
Your teeth, look after them before things worsen. Tooth decay and gum disease can be a progression and you do not want either.
The oral probiotics would help a lot. It's something which I am experimenting with ATM. I have a yoghurt maker but just like all inexpensive yoghurt makers the temperature regulation sucks. Mine hit 50C at one point which badly affected the yoghurt I was attempting to make. It was killing them. I have an idea to replace the temperature regulator with a much more reliable regulator. They are very inexpensive and can be purchased from eBay for £10/$15. A bit of re-wiring and a thermal sensor and it should provide much better temperature control and allow the temperature to be lowered for when I culture organisms which require a lower temperature such as bacillus subtilis. There are circuits on some homebrew forums to make a device for brewing. Adapting one of those as a yoghurt maker might be worth doing. It's what I intend doing and I am looking for parts, the actual cover + platform for the yoghurt pots I have not found one of a suitable size and style yet.
The rashes are the thing which are a little more significant IMO. There must be a cause which might be a sign of physical stress on your body. Not really much to go on.
Oh BTW you probably wank too much ;o) Moderation because it does cause a release in hormones which could exacerbate your problems.