My pupils are dilating more frequently since starting the liver flushes. Not just on the day prior to the flush, but in the weeks in between.
I can't find anything on the topic other than 'chemical poisoning.'
My liver is extremely congested and toxic, per my symptoms and history of illness, but I am not sure what else to do other than to continue pursuing liver flushing.
I ordered the 4-Pack of
Liver Flush tinctures/herbs from SensibleHealth.com, and am hoping that'll help break down the stones for the flushes (my first 3 didn't yield much in the way of stones, and I am thinking I need GCG to help build some biliary pressure).
I am suspecting more nasty symptoms, along with continued pupil dilation, throughout this process.
If anyone has any insight or suggestions for me, I'd greatly appreciate them!