Hi there,
I am approaching this from a completely different point of view. In your post you addressed many of the main common concerns from this kind of thing. (I suffered from bladder infections when I was younger so I know what the feeling is like.)
You have a gut feeling that this is anxiety that stems from some emotional event that happened a few months ago. I think you should give more credit to yourself for this. I do think anxiety can cause this kind of thing. I think it's very good to do all the tests and go to the doctor etc... but you've done all of that.
Please don't go on more drugs. Pharmaceuticals have side effects, some are not reversible and you are so young!
I am an empath. I am not sure if you know what that is or believe in it. An empath is someone who is very sensitive to other people. Often having a "sixth sense" about emotions and other things.
I do think this is the result of anxiety from the emotional trauma that happened. (I think most of the time people are correct in their hunches about what is wrong with them.)
Here is my question to you - are you trying to get rid of that situation and can't let it go? (Your body is trying to get rid of things and it seems pee is the easiest thing.) Are you trying to get rid of the feeling it left you with etc...
I would say, still keep testing and seeing your doctors, but be hesitant to try new drugs. And while you keep doing that - do this: Do whatever comes to your mind to let go of that thing that happened. Remember that hard thing and think about it for a little while, and then let it go. You could say something to yourself like, "That's over now, I let it go," and take a deep breath and let it out as you picture yourself letting it go.
I know this may sound ridiculous, but I think it may help. I really do.
Take 5 minutes out of your day each day and do this about that time, and about anything else troubling you. Deep breaths, and letting go.
See if that helps. :-) I truly wish you the very best and I hope you find your answer. I will be thinking about you. I will keep you close to my thoughts and really focus on you finding an answer.
- Rowan