yeast is the worst thing to have. do not take
Antibiotics no matter what you do. its a long complicated process to cure yeast. youre gonna need alot of help on what you can eat and what you cant. what supplements to take and vitamins. i can help you, i am a naturopath. one post or two wont help u. so i will give you my email and if you are interested in my help then i will help you. the email is mido2k (at) hotmail dot com.
if you are interested i will send you a questionaire to fil, give you my phone number if you wanna talk and rest assure. and explain to you the way treatment will happen.
Im sorry but with candida you need all the help you can get and few people understand this organism. i am a specialty in all digestion issues. there will be costs, but if you prefer you can pay when you see improvement in the first week or two.