Hi friends.
I, like all of you, have peeling lips. It is the bane of my existence! It started about a year ago and has been a constant in my life since.
I had about a 3 day cycle of hardening skin, scaling, and peeling. I got into the habit of biting off the dead skin and even peeling it off with tweezers. I would get some pretty good peels (it was kinda secretly fun). Anyways, this went on all year and although I KNEW not to pick at it I often times forgot I was even doing it.
So, I set out on a mission to cure it and this is my ongoing success strategy:
*BTW I've never been to a doc about this so idk if it's cheilitis, yeast, or whatever, so try my method at your own whim*
Items you'll need:
- Apple cider vinegar
- water
- cotton pads/balls
- athletes foot cream (optional perhaps)
- vitamin B100 complex
- aloe vera gel straight from the plant
1. I begin my B100 vitamins and take them on a daily basis.
2. The first night I exfoliated my lips with warm water and a toothbrush and got all of the dead skin off...then I diluted apple cider vinegar in water (just guess..I made mine a bit strong). Then I got a cotton pad and dunked half of it in the concoction. I proceeded to place the pad on my lips and let it sit there for a couple of minutes. It will probably burn your lips/tingle like it did mine. I also scrubbed the pad on my lips back and forth to exfoliate more. Then I swished some of the concoction in my mouth and gulped it down (sour!!). Let lips dry completely. My lips were red and tingly. Once it was dried and not tingling anymore I put on an antifungal cream (ewwie) and went to bed.
3. The next day my lips were very dry and concaved inward like little "moon craters." This was my new layer of skin that had formed overnight. I took my vitamin, washed my face and put antifungal cream on again for a few times throughout the day. I repeated the apple cider vinegar (put more water in to dilute it) on my lips for a few minutes and also swished/drank a gulp of the concoction again. My lips still had the new layer of skin on and was not peeling..this was a good sign but it still felt very dry and shriveled. I couldn't smile for fear of cracking my lips...
I felt a bit discouraged until my mom suggested aloe vera gel. So I said what the hell and gave it a try. Before bed that night I got aloe vera gel straight from the plant and smeared it all over my lips (bitter but bearable!). It was a cool relief and penetrated through the new layer of my skin allowing me to smile temporarily before the aloe dried up. So I put a bunch on again and went to bed.
4. At this point I've stopped using the fungal cream...you could try without it if you wanted, I don't think it ever helped me.
Woke up, took a vitamin, drank water, and went about my day. My lips were doing a little bit better. I made sure to keep my new lip layer IN-TACT by putting water on it and aloe gel all day. I DID NOT want this new layer to peel off and start the process over again!
5. I kept this up for a few more days (along with using apple cider vinegar on lips and swishing/drinking the concoction) and sure enough, the "crater lips" have become fuller, the layer of skin I've been diligent not to peel off is now becoming strong and healthy again! It's been a slow process but I've kept it up and I am seeing the "craters" slowly start to get smaller...
My lips are looking like they did over a year ago :D :D :D
Additional Tips:
- use aloe gel straight from the plant (au naturel baby!) By cutting off an
inch of it I was able to carry it around with me all day and squeezed out the gel and applied on my lips whenever I needed it.
- Apply on lips/swish/drink apple cider vinegar daily, cleaning the inside of your mouth as well.
- Continue to take b100 vitamin complex (make sure this works with other pills you're taking "consult your doc")
- Never again will I use any form of chapstick/vaseline on my lips. I am going to start making my own with natural ingredients (aloe being one of them!)
That's it...here's my documented pics so far. From my first day AFTER exfoliating the dead skin -- to what it is currently.
(Sorry for blurry images)