from VT:
We are highly concerned for the following reasons:
(1) The poisoning from toxic mold in the population of the United States has increased from 1-2% in 1983 to 55% in 2014 based on allergies reported by doctors.
(2) Toxic mold is considered a weapon of mass destruction and is the most toxic neurotoxin known to man, and the poisons attacks every cell of the body because it reacts with the each cellular factory that is the same.
(3) The infestation of toxic mold (Trichothecene Mycotoxins) into a person or family represents a Public Health Emergency and the public needs to be protected from this weapon of mass destruction based on federal law.
(4) Many sick people from toxic mold have reported not being diagnosed by their doctor and will see many before giving up because the medical schools are not training our doctors in the US.
(5) The American Medical Association is not accepting toxic mold as a poisoning because the insurance industry will not cover them as a disease thereby saving billions of dollars.
(6) Poisoning by toxic mold is allowed to progress on the public at an alarming rate, establishing the insurance industries as bio-terrorists, breaking the trust of the American people.
(7) Weapons of mass destruction are going unchecked within the United States and represent a lack of health care and/or death, resulting in a breach of national security.
(8) The application of a specific gas (chorine) can make the Trichothecene Mycotoxins a very toxic poison that could affect 50% or 150 million people within the United States today. (Merck Index)
(9) Trichothecene Mycotoxin poisoning is essentially going unrecognized or intentionally by the medical community and untreated, except for five to six doctors, due to the Insurance Industry’s pressure, clearly demonstrating bioterrorist actions.
the rest: