HI all i am new to this forum but have been reading with great interest for a long time. A bit about my symptoms:
- My ASI shows I have normal morning cortisol and then low for the rest of the day.
- I have severe internal shaking and weakness, I can't get out of bed some days.
- I have highs and lows. Extremely high energy for a few days where I want to run around and do everything and then I crash badly, no energy totally flat.
- During the high phases I have extreme shaking, I can't sleep, I can't think straight, I am very thirsty. My mind is racing. This can go on for days, it then ends in a crash and extreme exhaustion. Any ideas on why I get the highs if my cortisol is low?
- Neurotransmitter urine test showed Serotonin, Gaba and Glutamate in range and Dopamine, Nor-Epinephrine and Epinephrine all well out of range
- Liver markers show toxicity and sluggish pathways
Diet is great, no sugar, lots of protein, some carbs, high in veggies. I am not paleo but subscribe to a lot of the principles. ie I am paleo with carbs ;)
I can't tolerate any herbs, B vitamins, bio identical hormones. The only thing I can take that calms me down a little is Phosphatidyl Serine (PS).This got me on the right track, I started feeling really good after a few months of PS and IV drips of Vitamin C, Zinc and Magneisum. I then started IV Chelation for Heavy Metals and that was a huge mistake, I crashed badly and am now back on the high low roller coaster.
I have recently learned of Seriphos, I've taken it twice whilst in a high phase. It instantly calmed me down - I still had a low level of anxiety but it was different, at least I felt calm! What a feeling!
My big question and what I can't seem to find any research on..is it safe to use Seriphos with low cortisol. It says it's an adaptogen on the packaging but every thing I have read says to use to bring elevated cortisol levels down. How does it work?
Also would you recommend ACE drops during this stage of AF? I am worried to stimulate myself in any way but if my cortisol is in fact low perhaps they would help me as they have helped others.
Thanks so much for your time!