If you have been misguided into believing that you have something called "crohn," look what they did to this woman. cut out her colon. See how she still looks frail and she a life a life long condition.
There is not such thing called crohns. It is a parasite. And gastro doctors dont know how to look for them. So they simply slap a name to describe "symptoms" but they never find out the "cause" of them.
It is as if, one fine day, your bowel became inflamed, and now the solution is to give you drugs which lower your "white blood cells," the very thing that fights infection
Gosh, this is junk science. Yet sadly how many people fall prey to this story by gastro idiots.
Go to a tropical doctor. dont trust your local lab that tested your stool.
Stop eating raw food, juices, and undercooked meat, and of course sushi.
You dont have "crohns!