I cannot take herbs till surgery which is next Friday
are there foods that can do this
I decided to just do aggressive alternative health which I am doing a lot for and still researching and will add more to as my limited income will allow and I have time to do the research but for now was juice fasting among other things.
I was taking 5 cups of juice or more a day a lot of which was carrots and green juices.
I was taking in a lot of broths made form leftover pulp veggies and other veggies many of which may be high in potassium along with about 50 or 60 cloves of garlic daily.'
could any of these cause my potassium to rise as I am taking in primarily produce?
do you know of anything that could lower it so they do not cancel my surgery. The potassium is not super elevated its 5.4 when 5 is upper range and the bilirubin is 1.4
what about the bilirubin could diet have affected that
They want to retest it. since I was told and decided to stop all herbs and vitamins yesterday I do not want to use herbs as I do not want anything to jeopardize my lumpectomy and the doctor waiting a month till she can reschedule it and then she may only do a mastectomy and lymph node removal which I will not do but I do desperately want a single treatment from doctors and that is the lump which is lemon sized removed.
I was taking about 100 herbs and maybe this contributed. I don;t want to be scared to do the alternative things I was trying an doing to add but read high potassium can damage the heat..I should probably start on cayenne and hawthorne to protect it till know what is going on.
I do not want to tell doctors I am doing all this as they will say stop it etc and I do not want to tick anyone off and they cancel the surgery as one surgery was already canceled and it is now 4 months since the cancer was found due to getting 2nd opinion, finding someone to do only the lumpectomy and nothing else, having a doctor cancel the surgery right before it as I refused to fall to his medical blackmail of doing it his way (full treatment which I would never ever do) when he denied me a life or death test I wanted I got it done elsewhere and it was positive results but he canceled the surgery days before and I do not want to make any waves till surgery is done and now scared maybe it spread and she will then insist of surgery change from only mastectomy, lymph node removal, chemo etc or not do it so praying it has not spread yet.
I am terrified they will cancel surgery over this or if they find out the very non-typical died I am on as they are doctors and you know how they are.
If I can get these two problems lowered, hopefully, the surgery will go on as planned in a week but if I cannot do not know what will happen.
I was also switching to the master cleanse 2 days before surgery as it is easier to do on my own if incapacitated for a while..would lemons be bad for surgery or cause the potassium or bilirubin to be elevated.
I also have high blood pressure but do not take drugs and it was high on first preadmission but not yesterday preadmission testing at the different hospital I was told they would cancel the surgery if it was high day of surgery so I decide to take blood pressure meds that lower it a few days before and then stop once surgery is over,. They said not to take lysinitril or something like that as it can raise the 2 out of range tests more but she may be able to find another blood pressure med that lowers it and I can be sure that aspect will pass ok and not stop surgery so main concern is getting these tow tests down at retest test and any they might do day of surgery and then figuring out what is causing it and how to fix it..I don't want to get scared to juice or take herbs but feel even it spread, my kidneys went bad quick form maybe my diabetes or the diet affected me.
Does anyone know what caused these two things to be elevated and especially how to lower it at least temporarily
i can believe everything keep going wrong.
while I realize some people on here feel surgery is bad or I should take x y z, I am severely financially constrained I am not just low poverty but very low poverty and thus can only take what I can afford or draw form limited funds a few person helped me with a little so that is why my program is not all comprehensive but I am doing a lot more than I posted and still researching and trying to figure out what is best and that I can afford to address what some said earlier.
I wish I had resources to do it all and do it the best but sadly I do not. So I have decided I definitely want at least the lump out and that is it from doctors but want to not be scared of taking stuff to so if you know if eating all this produce etc might have raised my potassium level let me know..several tests prior showed potassium normal and one test showed bilirubin normal so this is a recent development and I have been changing diet, herbs etc since about beginning of February. I also lost 90 pounds if that could be related.
please please help as am getting the retest as late as possible which is Tuesday it is Thursday today will it be ok to keep drinking a lot of juice and veggie broths? what about the lemons I am switching to shortly before surgery (will be doing 2 weeks of the master cleanse then going back to juice fasting. also what foods might take the place of the laxative tea as they said no herbs for a while? Would bran help or what? I think upping the cayenne in the lemon drinks might prevent any bleeding in case the garlic thinned the blood too much and thanks for that suggestion earlier. have not had time to reply back form bless you all and thanks to everyone for all their help, advise and good wishes I appreciate it more than you know. God bless you,
I feel very badly that I have not been able to respond back personally to everyone I am never like that but I am so time constrained lately and stressed to the max and utterly overwhelmed with a number of things going on but from the bottom of my heart I thank each and every person who responded and those who keep responding. I am happy there are caring and compassionate people in this world who are so knowledgeable and willing to share their knowledge and keep me with all this.
I just want the surgery over and to get it before it spreads and it is aggressive stage 9 but I have had difficulty getting into doctors due to their schedules, vacations, busy to book for surgery, once canceling a surgery days before as he was mad I wads not following doctor advise and forcing me to start all over etc and that is why it is taking so long..doctors are either not aware of all this or don't care. But it is aggressive and I hope has not spread to liver the breast MRI a month ago showing no cancer in breast besides the tumor and no lymph nodes but who knows what happened in the last month waiting for hr schedule to fit me in for surgery and now who knows if they have to reschedule and force me to wait another month,,by then it could spread and she will refuse to just remove the lump..I will not do the surgery if they say mastectomy and lymph node removal but would feel much better getting out the lump and then depending on alterative health to fix me. I feel if they cancel the surgery again I will give up all hope and just give up as very depressed and stressed. So it means everything getting the bilirubin and p[potassium down to normal, keeping blood pressure normal and blood sugar and them not doing any tests on the liver or finding cancer spread at least till after the surgery. I want the surgery desperately. Please help advise with all this..thank you
I was reading that when one takes in a lot of carrot juice the skin can turn yellow and this is not the carrot juice but the liver purging bile into the bloodstream and I guess some comes out through the skin).
I was drinking 4 to 6 cups of carrot juice plus taking carrot broth and then got this elevated bilirubin which I was sacred was live cancer metastasis.
I had also not done all the liver flush of Dr Schulze like the kidney tea and tincture but had several times taken the liver flush--juice with the garlic (1 to 5 cloves) , olive oil (1 to 5 tbs) , ginger in it.
Might this bilirubin going up have been for the bile or maybe a plugged bile duct.
If one has a plugged bile duct, how does one open it.
Is it worth mentioning or binging in an article on this to the doctor as I am afraid they will cancel my surgery over this. You know mention it (at least the carrot juice) as a possible explanation for it being high.
I hate to stop as was going to switch to master cleanse or ease of doing it a few days before surgery and have 35 pounds of carrots I need to use as fridge full of them and don't want them to go bad as cant resume then for at least 2 weeks as doing master cleanse for 2 weeks.
Do you think it would be prudent to just get rid of the carrots and stop to see if that helps the bilirubin go down..I must retest it by Friday so not a lot of time to work with mothers day coming and all.