My thanks to you and Chazs for the informative info that you two post.
There is so much going on that it is impossible to keep up with it. Tosh is right when he says "we let it happen" (over 50)?. It does make me angry with myself. Where was I? Why didn't I see what was truly going on?
In 2008 I started out trying to figure out what was happening with the money. One thing led to the next. A family member sent my an Alex Jones tape. Then I listened to his radio program & thought what a bunch of lies. But I keep listening. I started checking on what he said & found much to my surprise he was telling the truth.
Thanks to you & Chazs I have learned even more. A few years ago I stumbled on this site & for along time I just read what you two posted. Most of the people I know don't want to know or can't believe what is going on. When you think about it, it is unreal.
Thanks for the true education on what's happening......E