Hello all, I realize that Moreless no longer answers questions on this forum, but I was hoping someone might have some insight to my situation. I started the BSM drink 4 days ago and have had some unpleasant experiences. I'm taking the drink once per day in the morning with 1 Tbl BSM, a small pinch of epsom salt, 1/2 lemon juiced, 1 Tbl pickling lime water, and 1 tsp of powdered norwegian kelp with filtered water.
I've been experiencing diarrhea, terrible headaches and I've developed 5 painful boils on my chin and upper lip. I do have candida which makes me wonder if this is a flare from the BSM. I've also been diagnosed with gallbladder disease, interstitial cystitis, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, fibromyalgia, leaky gut, and multiple food sensitivity. My diet is 50% raw, and mostly plant based although I do eat organic meat about once or twice a week and I have a cup of greek probiotic yogurt about once a day. On a typical day I will have a fruitless green smoothie for breakfast, vegetable soup for lunch, and a salad for dinner.
I am new to this specific protocol, but I've been on an anti-candida diet for several years and have been focusing on alkalizing foods for about a year. My urine is quite acidic, about 5.0 in the mornings but it typically increases to about 6.2-6.6 through the day. I have done several bowel cleanses in the last year, along with parasite cleansing and a few liver flushes which I had to stop for now because they made me violently ill.
I've scoured the forum for answers but have come up feeling a bit lost and desperate. Has anyone else had a similar experience with the BSM drink? This feels like detoxing, or a candida flare, maybe both. Should I continue with the drink and hope that the symptoms subside as my body adjusts, or should I cut back to taking it maybe every other day? Any input/advice/encouragement is GREATLY appreciated!