Yes, the dreaded ammonia
Body Odor is back, however that's actually a good thing! Why would it be a good thing you ask? Let me explain; if you scroll down a bit and read my posts about probiotics, yogurt and eating healthy, you'll read that I was actually doing quite well. That's to say, I had my ammonia odor under control.
So what happened? I went completely off my diet is what happened. I stopped taking my probiotics and started eating unhealthy foods, which made my IBS flare, which caused major constipation, which caused the ammonia
Body Odor to return. Total ripple effect. Actually it's somewhat of an exciting and promising discovery.
So what happens now? Now I go back on my diet and my probiotics. Too much
Sugar and processed foods in your diet can not only wreck your health, but these unhealthy habits can make you smell pretty bad! Well, that's my update. I'll keep you all informed. Good luck and never give up hope!