Scientist and evolutionist have concluded that evolution should be an on going process, but it is not. Both parties have come to recognize and admit that life is a continuous cycle of producing species that are specific to their own kind. This is in harmony with and consistent with what the Bible says in it's first book called Genesis. The 1st chapter of that Bible book backs up these scientists and some evolutionist say that: All things are produced according to their own specific kind.
As far as the adaptability of humans living under different environments and areas on the earth, we were created that way. Our human body is amazingly equipped to survive under mild to adverse conditions as long as we have the necessary things that will sustain us.
Due to hereditary factors and not evolution, insignificant subtle changes like color, size, and small physical changes will take place over a period of time. Due to cross breeding or inbreeding of the same species these very insignificant and subtle changes occur over a long period of time due to hereditary factors of that particular breed or species.
Someone gave the argument in support of evolution saying: "Look at the vestigial organs animals have." They said, "Whales have wrist bones and fingers in their flippers. The blow holes in some whales have tiny vestigial nostrils next to them, the remnants of a land dwelling mammal's nose." In support of Creation by a loving God, I reasoned this way: If that's the case why don't or haven't people today inherited the same features and characteristics of the whale. Why aren't half whale, half humans born today? After all they are suppose to be our so-called alleged ancestors from the waters of the earth. The infamous myth of a mermaid or merman.
How do you account for no evidence of an orange evolving into an apple, or pear? Everything is produced or was/is created according to it's kind; thus evolutionist and their supporters have no concrete, logical, clear proof or evidence that life as we know it is a result of the falsehood of evolution.....In response to my reply this person said: "People are not born that way because that's not how evolution works. Species branch off and separate. Humans and whales branched off a very long time ago....." My response to this person's reply was: If that's not how evolution works then creation is definitely the rule of thumb. Everything according to it's kind, breed, species or type never really evolved. Again factors of hereditary come into play....Also, why is it that we as humans cannot swim at the deep depths that a fish or whale can for long periods of time? How did humans skip from being water mammals to land breathing mammals or humans? Where's the concrete connection? HOW COME OUR DNA AND RNA IS NOT LIKE THAT OF A WHALE OR EVEN LIKE THAT OF AN APE OR MONKEY our so-called ancestors? SHOULDNT/WOULDNT THERE BE A LINK CONNECTING US TO OUR WATERY SO-CALLED ANCESTORS? THERE ARE NONE :). Why can't fish and whales live for long periods out of water? Why didn't they adapt to land and why didn't we adapt to the water and be able to swim like the fishes and whales of the sea and ocean deep? The simple truth is, is that in both cases, the whale and humans were created distinct from each other. The whale was meant for the water. Humans were created to live on the land.
Evolutionist and their supporters are making a very simple explanation of how man came about, into a very confusing, mind boggling riddle that is open to all kinds of human reasoning and eventual discoveries of fraud.
The simple plain answer and truth about mankind's coming into existence is right at many peoples fingertips....The Bible, in it's first book called Genesis and the first chapter.