I water fasted for 23 days a year and a half ago. This was before I began liver flushing. I did my first flush about a month after the fast.
In retrospect, I should have done it the other way around.
Liver Flushing a few times before fasting would have been better.
Fasting will basically cause toxins stored in fatty tissue and organs such as the liver to be released into general circulation, putting an extra burden on your liver. Fasting will stop the normal flow of bile and cholesterol, because you are not consuming fats, proteins, or anything else. This will cause what is probably an already congested and inefficient liver to become even more so.
Finally, fasting is hard on your system. You will be weak, have orthostatic low blood pressure and low sugar. A
Liver Flush will be very hard on you while fasting. What's more, by following the flush protocol (citrus juice and olive oil), you will essentially be breaking the fast anyway, and so your fast will of necessity begin again after the flush.
Even though you have begun the fast, I would suggest you break it and do at least one flush. preferably several, before a fast which is to last more than two or three days.
Alternately, if you decide to continue the fast, I would hold off on the flush until you are eating again.