Welcome to our horror story group. Here is what I suggest you do to solve this problem permanently.
1) Install a graywater system for your sinks, showers & washing machine to prevent soap from getting into your leach field. Soap & detergent causes hardpan .
2) Install risers for the tank & every distribution box, and for your gray water system. Your system MUST be easily serviceable for future problems. You may need to pressure water blast your laterals now & in the future.
3) for now, add a service pipe to the exit from your septic tank so that you can pour chemicals into your drain field to help eliminate the hardpan & Biomat.
4) If you add any more field lines, insist on the infiltrator brand:
5) Be certain your exit pipe has a baffle & an effluent filter.
Read my entire on-line document for photos & details:
Sorry it is so long winded, but my own horror story is still on-going. I will re-organize this document when I am done. For now I am sharing my discoveries with everyone.