I'm from England and moved to Canada and bought a house with a septic system. I've never even been close to a septic before and never known anyone who's had one so new to me completely !!!
I've not been in the house for long so all money is tied up in the move :(
The septic was pumped before we bought the property but in the past 2-3 weeks when the pump in the basement kicked in (from toilet, shower, washing machine) it backed up into the tub upstairs.
I had the septic pumped and it was full to the brim. When it was being emptied the guy said we had a saturated bed as clear water was flowing back from the bed into the 2nd half of the septic.
The septic is now full again and backing up into the tub again when the pump downstairs starts up. We've stopped using the shower and toilet downstairs to try and help ease the problem.
I've read through the leach field rejuvenation document and think I know what to try as no way I can afford a new bed and struggled to pay for the $300 to have the tank pumped.
My plan (and correct me if this is wrong please) is to do the following
1. wait until all the snow has gone and stopped raining and after a couple of weeks I'm hoping the bed has dried out a little to continue
2. Pour 4 gallons of Hydrogen Peroxide into the 2nd tank.
3. 1 week later. Use Septic Seep.
Do I need to do 2 & 3 ?
I'd like to not have to pump the tank again as that'll add another $300 I don't particularly have.
I asked at the local pool store about Hydrogen Peroxide and got a big no that they stock it. May be a Canada thing but I'll try a couple of other places also.
Any help in this would be great as at the moment my wife is NOT a happy bunny and talking about moving and we've only just moved in !