Hi Peach,
As "grist for your mill," are you aware of the almost miraculous results many tens (hundreds?) of thousands of people have experienced, dealing with most of the physical health issues known to humankind, from ingesting the universally powerful antioxidant, ascorbic acid?
This also includes Lyme disease. Note this from Dr. Thomas Levy, M.D. [from his book Primal Panacea], "I have successfully treated a number of conditions that modern medicine still approaches only with bed rest, supportive care, and the guarded optimism that the immune system may eventually prevail....Even Lyme disease has shown great response to vitamin C therapy....With Lyme and other chronic infections such as AIDS and chronic hepatitis C, vitamin C can often restore the patient to a symptomless or near-symptomless state. This state can allow them to "coexist" indefinitely with their infections and even enjoy a normal lifespan....Infections rarely have the opportunity to take hold when vitamin C levels are normal in the body."
If you are seriously interested in finding a solution to your health problem, and gaining better health in all areas of your body, I encourage you to read [at least the first ten paragraphs of] this article, written by Dr. Robert Cathcart, M.D.
It may just solve some or all of your health issue. You have only better health and well-being to gain by applying its recommendation. What have you got to lose?
These three quotes are instructive:
"There are more than ten thousand scientific papers that make it quite clear that there is not one body process (such as what goes on inside cells or tissues) and not one disease or syndrome (from the common cold to leprosy) that is not influenced - directly or indirectly - by vitamin C." -- Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D., Dr. Marshall Ringsdorf, D.M.D., and Dr. Emily Sisley, THE VITAMIN C CONNECTION.
"The evidence unequivocally shows that mega-gram doses of vitamin C can prevent and cure a vast list of conditions that plague mankind. It is both inexpensive and completely safe. My conclusion: vitamin C is the 'Primal Panacea.'" -- Dr. Thomas E. Levy, M.D.
“I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.” -- Dr. Frederick Klenner, M.D.
I wish you the best of success, Peach, in your search for better health!
Hi PZ,
I agree with everything you wrote [in your first paragraph] about "vitamin C."
But remember, "vitamin C" does not need to "directly kill microbes." A healthy immune system can take care of all of that, per this statement by Dr. John Tilden, M.D., "Normal persons are deadly to all germs and parasites peculiar to the human habitat." "Vitamin C," if ingested in large enough [preferably daily Bowel Tolerance] doses, for a long enough period of time, will restore that health/"normality."
However, your final sentence disagrees with the following by Dr. Thomas Levy, M.D., "Vitamin C can...prevent and cure non-viral infections....bacterial, parasitic, and other non-viral infections....In addition to being an absolute virucide, vitamin C is also strongly microbiocidal, in general. It will facilitate the cure of most infectious diseases."
Best wishes,
Hi PZ,
From what you have written, "zapping" sounds like it might be a [very] good disease treatment [at least for certain health maladies]. I would not claim to know.
As personal background: I began Bowel Tolerance dosing with ascorbic acid in 1994, with an initial Bowel Tolerance of around 10 to 15 grams per day. That has very gradually but steadily increased to my present Bowel Tolerance of around 75 to 100 grams per day [as my GI tract has become cleaner]. The health results to me have been/are as follows: I never get sick, including even so much as a headache; I never have need of any doctors [the very occasional dentist excepted]; I never ingest any drugs whatsoever, including any-and-all painkillers, be they over-the-counter or prescription [the very occasional "novocaine" injection excepted]. I am very grateful [at the age of 64] to have discovered the health efficacy of daily Bowel Tolerance dosing with ascorbic acid, but hey, it's a mysterious world, i.e. I would never discount what someone else has found works for them.
My view has become that "Electron Therapy" is universally beneficial, either directly or indirectly, for all health maladies, per this statement by Dr. Levy, "All therapy is electron repletion. All therapy." And as Dr. Klenner, M.D. put it, “I have never seen a patient that Vitamin C would not benefit.” Why is it you would "doubt that any amount of ascorbic acid is going to stop Ebola or Hepatitis or Lyme or Sepsis in general?" Doctors Levy, Cathcart, and/or Klenner all claim they have been successful with some or all four of those diseases [using ascorbate, either orally and/or intravenously]. Why would they fabricate their findings/results? None of them sold vitamin C [to my knowledge, although Levy does consult for a company that sells liposomal ascorbate], i.e. what would be their motivation to present these findings [if they were/are false]?.
Does not our immune system work on the same principle, i.e. ultimately as an antioxidizing "agency?" And/so why is it you "do not believe in constantly pushing bowel tolerance?" Is that not how the body signals its need/"desire" for more ascobate, i.e. ultimately more "free"/extra/alkalinizing/toxin neutralizing/antioxidizing electrons? How do you know that [modality] alone would not have solved any and all of any health maladies you may have faced [over the years]?
The animals [with very few exceptions (humans being one of them)] all produce multi-gram doses [standardized to 154 pounds] of ascorbic acid for themselves every day of their lives, and can increase that production by a factor of as much as 10 times when they are dealing with some toxic/poison and/or viral and/or bacterial and/or parasitic attack. Is it any wonder thay can eat food off the ground and drink water with "god knows what" in it, and yet still remain very healthy?
All this just as "grist for your [and other's health] mill," PZ, and thank you very much for your input/viewpoint.
Best regards,
Hi PZ,
Yes, apparently we have a lot in common.
We are in complete agreement on/about drugs!
I scoured my notes, and came up with the following:
Here is what Dr. Levy wrote [in his book Primal Panacea (which has in excess of 1,200 study citations on vitamin C)]:
"Vitamin C has been shown to prevent, put in remission, and even cure, many viral infections. Here is a partial listing:
* Ebola
* Encephalitis
* Hepatitis
* Herpes
* Pneumonia
* Polio
* Shingles
* Swine Flu
"I have successfully treated a number of conditions that modern medicine still approaches only with bed rest, supportive care, and the guarded optimism that the immune system may eventually prevail....Even Lyme disease has shown great response to vitamin C therapy....With Lyme and other chronic infections such as AIDS and chronic hepatitis C, vitamin C can often restore the patient to a symptomless or near-symptomless state. This state can allow them to "coexist" indefinitely with their infections and even enjoy a normal lifespan.
"...sepsis...claims the lives of one American every 2.5 minutes. Other victims of sepsis are "saved" through amputation....Every day high-dose vitamin C could be saving the lives of sepsis victims. Every day countless fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, and legs, could remain attached and healthy if the medical community would simply hear and respond to the facts with scientific integrity."
Here is what Dr. Cathcart wrote [in several of his published articles]:
"Ebola and Other Hemorrhagic Fevers, Nipah Virus and Etc.
All of these diseases produce massive amounts of free radicals. These hemorrhagic fevers are examples of probably 500 gram [per day of oral ascorbic acid] diseases. These diseases are so toxic, produce so many free radicals, that they rapidly produce, not only a localized acute induced scurvy, but a systemic induced scurvy. Shortly, collagen fibers begin to break down, and bleeding is induced throughout the body. These cases must be treated with massive amounts of sodium ascorbate intravenously immediately at the beginning of the disease. The rate of administration should be rapidly increased until the fever and other acute symptoms are diminished. My guess at a starting dose would be at a rate of at least 240 grams of sodium ascorbate per 24 hours.
"...ascorbic acid....Representative doses taken by tolerant patients titrating their ascorbic acid intake between the relief of most symptoms and the production of diarrhea were as follows: infectious hepatitis - GRAMS ASCORBIC ACID PER 24 HOURS - 30 [to] 100.
"Acute cases of infectious hepatitis have responded dramatically.
"Usually oral bowel tolerance doses will reverse hepatitis rapidly.
"In my experience, acute viral hepatitis, A, B, C, non AB, etc., are all cured by massive amounts of ascorbate given over a few days intravenously....Chronic hepatitis, like that diagnosed as chronic hepatitis C, can be vastly ameliorated by continuing high doses of ascorbic acid by mouth...
"If the malaise from the basic disease is great (e.g. mononucleosis, acute hepatitis, viral pneumonia, etc.), the obvious benefit from ascorbic acid is usually so great that the patient usually cares little about the minor gastrointestinal disturbances.
"In chronic hepatitis, ascorbate may not cure the condition; nevertheless, massive doses of ascorbate will usually ameliorate the condition..."
Irwin Stone, in his book THE HEALING FACTOR - VITAMIN C Against Disease had this to say:
"In 1954, Bauer and Staub (17) observed good results in the treatment of viral hepatitis with the use of 10 grams of ascorbic acid per day. It accelerated the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease and shortened the duration of the illness....Twenty years later in Germany, Kirchmair (19) used 10 grams of ascorbic acid daily for five days on sixty-three children with hepatitis and found marked improvement, weight gain and good appetite in the first few days, rapid disappearance of jaundice and half the hospitalization time. The swelling of the liver, which normally took 30 days to subside, only took nine days with ascorbic acid. In 1960, Calleja and Brooks (20) reported successful treatment with 5 grams of ascorbic acid a day for twenty-four days in a refractory case of hepatitis that did not respond to other medication. Beatgen (21), giving 10 grams of ascorbic acid a day to 245 children with hepatitis, obtained result similar to Kirchmair's, with rapid recovery and better tissue repair. Dalton (22), in 1962, also reported dramatic and rapid recovery of a case of hepatitis. In these clinical reports on hepatitis, the doses of ascorbic acid were below the range postulated by Klenner, and also below the quantity considered necessary by the genetic disease concepts."
Although I know very little about "electro-therapy," I suspect its effectiveness may have to do with supplying [extra/supplemental] electrons for their alkalinizing, toxin neutralizing, and antioxidizing properties, i.e. the same as the primary therapeutic function of ascorbate [following its basic vitamin functions (which all occur at relatively low doses)], per this quote by Dr. Levy, "All therapy is electron repletion. All therapy."
I would say that Bowel Tolernce dosing with ascorbic acid does not "constantly stress one['s] system" anymore than eating a strict "garden of Eden" diet, e.g. 100% raw fruits and vegetables, stresses one's system, with its relatively "extreme" laxativeness, i.e. I am very convinced that is, in fact, one of its great health benefits. My view would be that my health results back this view up, but, of course, that is completely anecdotal.
I suspect your "fear" of daily Bowel Tolerance dosing [with ascorbic acid] is probably akin to my basic fear of "zapping" myself! Which brings up a question [that I am curious about]: Do you routinely "zap," or just if/when you are not quite feeling "up to par?"
As far as your experience with, and testing of, Bowel Tolerance dosing, I can only list these two quotes [for your consideration] as to your [lack of] results:
Dr. Cathcart wrote that he did NOT see significant results in his patients until they approached Bowel Tolerance: "The clinical symptoms of...diseases and other conditions...are markedly ameliorated only as Bowel Tolerance dose levels (the amount that almost, but not quite, causes diarrhea) are approached."
And Dr Levy wrote, "The three most important considerations in effective vitamin C therapy are "Dose, Dose, and Dose." If you don't take enough, you won't get the desired effects. Period!...you will rarely ever fail to observe a dramatic response...if you take a large enough dose for a long enough time."
In other words, dosage is the key! As an example, if a doctor prescribed a dose of antibiotic to a patient, it would come with both an amount and frequency of dosage. Hypothetically, if that patient decided to cut that prescribed antibiotic dosage in half, and/or ingest it at one-half the prescribed frequency, and then did not get the results expected, could we really/honestly say that they tried the antibiotic out, and it did not work? And so it is with ascorbic acid. Of course, if you are satisfied/happy with your health, PZ, I wouild be the last person to ever encourage you [or anyone] to change [something or anything]!
As an aside, canines [along with felines] are some of the lowest producers [in the animal kingdom] of ascorbic acid, e.g. standardized to 154 pounds, in the range of 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams per 24 hours [vs. mice which top out at up to 18,000 milligrams per 24 hours (and a goat put under stress was once measured to have produced 100,000 milligrams in 24 hours)]. Although they can [typically] increase that production, when under "attack"/stress, by up to 5 to 10 times [like the goat did], when facing something really serious [like you listed, e.g. Rabies, Parvo, and Distemper], it often is not sufficient. They do have the advantage over us of producing their own ascorbic acid "24/7" thoughout their lives [and I think their overall health, compared to ours, shows it], but we do have the advantage [at least in the last 80 years] of being able to ingest and/or inject unlimited amounts of ascorbate [as often and as fast as we want].
I appreciate your input and viewpoint, PZ.
Best of health to us both,