I've been asked about my credibility so much and this is the LAST time I'm going into this...
Honestly for the life of me I can't remember. I made 1 thread a year ago asking for help (had just caught FBO) and I remember getting no replies.
At this time I had made 3 threads on 3 different websites under 3 different names. People either thought I was trolling or didn't help. It's possible I had another account on here but forgot the password and then made this 1.
I deleted all the threads & username info off my phone when I got cured, so if you want links I can't get you them sorry
For the rest of that night I was searching through posts for cures on here and someone mentioned BB-12 and specifically the bacteria names that you need in your gut.
I googled it, found some chewable tablets and then ordered my mom to get them for me ASAP. She also got probiotic yogurt.
I was cured a week or 2 later.
I don't know why, but for some of you this is hard to understand that I'm telling the truth. Quite frankly, I don't have the time or patience to make up lies about a cure for FBO. I never knew what it was until I caught it and started googling things like "I smell like shit"
I had panic attacks, SEVERE embarrassment and insults in public, a party, and an exam. I thought my life was over, I wanted to die.
I'm VERY grateful to have been cured and I've literally only come back to this site in the past month or 2 to share my cure and experience.
I'm not answering these type of questions again, so there you have it