I had twins 13 months ago and had a Mirena inserted at my 6 week follow-up appointment. Initially, I had no issues, other than ones that I've also had on other BC (lack of drive, little bit of depression). I've struggled to lose weight even when eating fairly healthy, but I'm also in my 30s now, so maybe that's all just normal or maybe a thyroid issue.
Here's what I'm really concerned about. In the last 5-6 weeks, I've had fairly significant lower abdominal pain and some back pain. Often it just feels like an ache, but at other times it gets painful enough that I need to take Advil. It spreads across my entire lower pelvic area (like where my c-section scar is located), but sometimes it's worse on one side or the other. If I press on that area of my region or do kegal exercises, the pain is significantly worse. I've also been extremely exhausted in the last 2 months, even though our boys are sleeping great now and I should be feeling much better. I've been so tired, I even took a pregnancy test just to make sure.
Two weeks ago, the pain was bad enough that it was difficult to stand and hold my boys, so I went to see a family doctor. They did blood work and an x-ray to see if they could see anything going on. All my bloodwork was great. X-ray didn't show anything going on with my abdominal organs. The doctor recommended that I make an appointment with my OBGYN to follow-up and see if there's anything going on from that angle. I have an appointment scheduled on Wednesday. I'm wandering if this could be an issue with my Mirena. Perhaps it's in the wrong place or is just causing the ache for some reason. I can't imagine that it has migrated or dislodged because I'm not getting a period or anything, and I'm very regular when I'm not on BC, but I have no idea what else would be causing this pain.
Can anyone give me insight from your experience or what you've read? If you had similar symptoms, what did it turn out to be?
Thanks so much.