"Horizontal gene tranfer" is a term that is above my scientific vocubulary, but during a half-dozen really bad days I witnessed my skin exude substances that corresponded, in color and texture, to the substance ingested. It occurred within 2 seconds, which seems darn fast for the body to process something all the way to the skin organ. So perhaps that symptom could be explained by this term.
OP makes some really big claims that would benefit from links to support them IMO.
In response to Scab's post- "No bacteria involved with MD":
I suspect that a principal energy source for the Morg life form is bacteria. If so, that would qualify as "involvement".
This is encouraging, promising.
You mentioned fungal components as in plural.
Does this refer to separate fungal components or something cobbled together consisting of material from former separate components?
Mentioning fungal components could imply there is another component, or are other components on your radar.
Of what suspected nature is that, or are they, or might be, to the best of your present investigatory perception?
And thanks for the expanded information on Fenben.