sorry for my English, i am European, live in USA. My problems started five months ago, horrible headaches, swollen lymph nodes,crawling sensation head, neck, throat, tingling, numbness, stomach pain and and....Doctors have done tests after tests. 5 months later they discover a positive result for mold Aspargillus in my blood. I was more focused on parasites, do not know, too much about mold yet. I live in a new, beautiful house, never would have I expected mold, not even think at it. I bought some mold testing kit for air(are they reliable?) and intend to bring a professional. The home testing kit showed black mold and white mold, need to send it to the lab. I took a lot of antibiotic, my candida seems to be out of control by now. What do you recommend for this mold situation? I do not understand ,where is it coming from? AC system? no water damage or similar, house new in California. Almost never rains here. thank you for your answers