Dr Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD discusses Iodine and Thyroid issues for a few minutes. He does not use the standard Iodine protocol we're familiar with here at Curezone, but still his views are very interesting in my opinion. At about 40 min in the second mp3 he talks about using 3-4 drops of Lugols iodine/day on the perineum to prevent the body from absorbing radioactive iodine.
some notes from the interview...
10% of people highly allergic to iodine, but people need it. Treat this situation with homeopathic solution of Iodine, then build up dosage. Need to detox heavy metals and parasites.
Thyroid and Hashimotos – 800mg/day organic selenium.
There is no such thing as auto-immune - the body doesn't attack healthy cells (according to Dr.Klinghardt). - In an auto-immune condition, the body attacks cells that are polluted or have microbes (i.e., Lyme spirochetes etc.) embedded in some way. Tiny amounts of metal get embedded in cells and these cells get attacked. In a person with auto-immune issues, the immune response is over exaggerated. I think he said he uses homeopathic remedies for that.
According to peer reviewed biology studies, the parasite load of an animal is directly proportional to the toxic load in it's environment. Parasites are in the body to concentrate and extract heavy metals and toxins from tissues. They have a much higher concentration of toxic loads than their surrounding (human) tissue. To get rid of them, it's best to expel them rather than kill them in tissues which causes them to expel their toxins back into your tissues.
Use of chlorella and a special cilantro to eliminate cesium from the body.
Aluminum is a much bigger toxin than he previously thought, aluminum particles are in the food chain, water and air and are inhaled. Our DNA is plastered with aluminum particles according to electron microscopy done in England. Silica, horsetail tea, Diatomaceous earth (very high in silica) good for ridding the body of aluminum. He how thinks aluminum is a much bigger toxin than mercury, aluminum is ubiquitous in the environment.
Ionic foot baths turn on the kidneys to filter toxins from the blood, that's how they work, not by expelling toxins through the feet. Best when used with a kind of cilantro.
Zirconium teeth implants good if right kind of zirconium (special kind from Germany).
Purple laser treatment for microbes on teeth implants (lasers available for $30 on Amazon).
Red laser treatment to get immune system to accept implant.
Lyme disease and it's relation to parasites, toxins, exposure to microwaves.
Liver massage and use of Castor oil packs.
I don't agree with his views on global warming, but otherwise the rest is fascinating.
Lots more....