I had a
root canal on two of my front bottom teeth (teeth were death after fixed braces treatment). Because the
root canals failed on both teeth an oral surgeon did a root end surgery. This was three years ago and since then I have had a whole lot of health issues. The root end surgery failed and they re-did the
root canals and re-did the surgery. I was in an excrutiating pain since then begging my new dentist to pull the teeth. She refused and so did a surgeon I went to; MRI and x-rays showed no infection. Then a different surgeon took his own x-rays and performed another surgery based on what he saw. He removed from my jaw pieces of this black stuff which even he didn't know what it was, along with a lot of infected bone and tissue. I still have those root-canalled teeth in and I still get a lot of pain daily (I was diagnosed with atypical trigeminal neuralgia induced by infection), I also have a bad TMJ pain with swelling around my eye, cheek and jaw. I suffer from
Depression since the pain started years ago, and at 34 I can't imagine myself going like this for another maybe 40-50 years. Many times I have thought maybe if I get those teeth removed my symptoms will go away, although when they opened up my jaw for the last time a year ago, they did a biopsy and said it was clear - no osteomyelitis or anything. But my neurologist says now it's only trigeminal neuralgia I suffer from and not to get those teeth removed because it would just cause more trauma to the bone. What would you do were you in my shoes? I am tired of seeking answers from the dental community in my city, it seems all they want to do is more
root canals and more root end surgeries (although my teeth have very little left of the roots by now). Has anyone out there experienced something similar? Any answers are much appreciated!