thanks grizz. I have a filter on my output baffle to field. I had my tank pumped in October and the lines jetted then. quite a bit of crap came out. I had some jelly fish like material in my d box the other day and the oxy septic people sid it was lint from the washing machines.
The water levels in the ground are still high here due to rain. The water level in the septic tank is currently under the baffle output but the field is not draining properly. I heard hydro peroxide treatment should be done on a dryer field? I was wondering if you knew of any products besides hydro peroxide that are equivalent to oxy septic you used? Then how do I determine if there is hardpan in the bed? They don't sell oxy septic here in Canada.
I guess I need to wait until the ground dries out a bit before I can diagnose the condition of my field's soil? Then, I would know if the problem is due to high ground water or biomat. I'm also diverting roof water off one side of my house 30 feet or more. There are 4 people here on a 400 gallon tank. I was thinking of going to composting toilets and possibly diverting washing machine water into my perimeter drain.
Thanks for responding. It gets quite overwhelming as I dont find the professionals very helpful. They are tied up with red tape here and know I cant really afford the fix.. Technically my field is not failing because there isn't a large amount of water seeping above ground . It is squishy wet though. The water does not smell.
so much thanks for your time. I appreciate it.