I have suffered Bartholins Cysts since I was a teenager. Of course, I didn't know what they were - I found the first lump when I was about 18 and freaked out. My GP didn't know what it was, and gave me a referral for a specialist. I never took her up on that referral, instead it burst on its own a while later.
Over the years I have had about 6-10 cysts which have burst naturally each time, but varying in length and size each time. Generally, they came out when I was pregnant. During my first two pregnancies it was no problem, however during my third, my cyst became so large and enflamed that my midwife worried that it could be Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Because I'd never had a diagnosis on it before, I let her rush me into the obstetrics ward at the local hospital (who are notorious for misdiagnosis and maltreatment). By the time they got to me it was late at night and the resident was tired. She said it was a Bartholins cyst, gave me a dose of
Antibiotics and told me to come back in the morning and that if it wasn't going down then she would have to do a marsupialisation (which meant putting me under general anaesthetic, cutting it open and feeling around inside of it to break up any walls) or she could just stick a needle into it and drain it.
Being pregnant, I wasn't keen on the marsupialisation, so I deliberately ate breakfast in the morning so they couldn't put me under a general. Instead, they used a local and a needle and drained a huge amount of liquid out. It was bruised, and sore for days. After a week I called my midwife to ask a question about the new
Antibiotics I'd been put on. She happened to have the head obstetrician from the local hospital in the room with her (ie the residents boss!). He was furious that she had drained it, and insisted that I come in straight away to have it lanced, which he did quickly and reasonably pain-free. It healed well, and I didn't have another problem...until my baby was 5 months old.
The cyst came back with a vengeance. After three days it was pure agony, and after researching online I decided that I had to try a natural cure.
I started sitz baths straight away, along with a good quality
Iodine supplement. I also started large, regular doses of good quality probiotic powder & large doses of ascorbic acid powder.
By this stage, my cyst was already enormous, and painful.
I then found out about the "Bartholins Cyst Miracle Cure" - an e-book that you can buy online for only about $9. I started her methods of sitz baths, and her compresses. I couldn't do the night time routine that she recommended because my cyst was so large that I found it excruciating to have anything on the cyst whilst moving around (I was still getting up to feed my baby twice a night)
I also started taking Serrapeptase - a supplement which is meant to break up cysts. And I cut out
Sugar from my diet completely.
I then called my classically trained homeopath. He was extremely confident that he could fix my cyst. He seconded my decision to take an
Iodine supplement, and the sitz baths. He sent me a good quality serrapeptase supplement to take, along with a homeopathic remedy that he had made specifically for me and my emotional state.
The night before my homeopathics arrived, I spent two hours sleeping in a hot sitz bath simply because lying down was pure agony. By this stage, my cyst was about the size of a large egg or perhaps a small lemon. I couldn't carry my baby much, it was difficult to get up or down. Standing, walking, sitting and lying down hurt immensely and I was spending long periods crying from the pain. My husband was getting up and bringing our baby into bed for feeds at night. My friend was coming over very morning to play with her while she was awake. My in laws were doing the school runs for my older children, and I was stuck on my back.
I took my homeopathics faithfully, as prescribed on the day they arrived (a Friday). My cyst didn't get better, in fact it seemed to get worse. I was eating all my meals in bed, and I couldn't do anything!
On Friday night, at about midnight my cyst became so agonising that I was sobbing and praying to god/whoever would listen. My husband ran another sitz bath for me and I dozed fitfully, but not comfortably in there for about two hours before my baby needed a feed.
When I got back to bed, he said that if it didn't burst by the next day (Saturday) he was calling an ambulance and sending me into the ER. I think he was seriously scared for me and my life. He said since that he'd seen me go through three drug-free births, but never seen me cry and thrash about like I did with this cyst. He was truly worried.
I decided to use the 'emergency' dosage that my homeopath had prescribed if the remedy didn't work within 3 days. This was a 2-hourly dosage.
I took one dose at 1:45am, the next at 3:45am and at the 1:45am dose I also put on a compress as prescribed by the 'bartholin cyst miracle method' but I didn't heat it. I did it simply to stop the skin drying out, to perhaps stop the pain getting so excruciating so that I could sleep. At this stage, I really hadn't slept for 3 days!
At 5:30 my baby girl woke up for a feed, and as my husband was taking her to put back into her cot, I felt my cyst...and It didn't hurt! He rushed her into her bed, and I peeled back the compress to find a mess of blood and mucous - thankfully I'd been sleeping on a towel!
As I type now, I am in my fifth or sixth sitz bath for the day, in order to avoid infection. I still feel ridiculously weak, and I sweat a lot still - I think I'm detoxing from the sitz baths actually, plus sweating out the sickness.
My cyst has gone down from the size of a small lemon to the size of a large marble, and is still leaking blood. It is solid, but nowhere near as painful as the lump which preceded it.
I plan to keep taking my homeopathics, and my homeopath tells me that these will stop the cysts reoccurring. I also plan to continue weekly sitz baths to keep them at bay.
I truly hope that this helps someone out there. Have hope. If I can do this, then you can too! I thought I had no hope left of this bursting naturally, and it did!