I have just been diagnosed a few days ago with an aggressive grade 8/9) breast cancer stage two but the next doubling will take m to stage 3.
they do not think it has spread to lymph nodes based on preliminary ultrasound. I think a surgical oncologist will be checking these again at my first appt with anyone after my biopsy, mammogram and ultrasound.
I am not able to get into a regular (chemo/drug oncologist) for a month.
I had a previous history of stage 0 insitu and a recurrence 3 years later and this is the same breast and at the time 3 lumpectomies and radiation (more than normal and I am wondering if this caused the new cancer as I recall them telling me it bounced off the equipment and could cause cancer in the other breast and the thyroid gland region). MY radiologist said that was likely not the cause but I am not sure), I do not yet know if I have the cancer gene but will be treated Thursday and know in 2 weeks).
I am told this is a new cancer and I think the first one spread much slower.
they can give me no idea how fast it is growing and no idea on what odds are if I do not do all they say like if I do mastectomy but not chemo what are my odds,,if I do nothing how long might I live how long till it might spread etc
I tried to estimate myself in this way. The last mammogram I had showed no cancer so it was 30 months ago. It would have to be at least 1 mm If it started right away so I doubled that and it came to 6 doublings to get to the size it is now. I then divided 30 by 6 and got a 5 month for the slowest it will double (if I do nothing).
to get the fastest estimate I can feel it and see no enlargement in the 4 weeks since I felt it so I am thinking the least amount of time for it to double is 3 weeks.
So sometime between one month and 5 months before I go to the next stage..the longer I go before it doubles the longer the intervals of a month might take more than a month to double.
So that is not much time to work with,
The tumor felts at least twice as big as the ultrasound measurement which is the size of a golf ball but to me feels more like a small lime in size. Not sure why the discrepancy in size they say it i and how it feels as I can clearly feel it as near the skin.
I am very reluctant to use the doctor treatments.
I do want at minimum a lumpectomy if they agree to do it if I do not follow their treatment plan.
If I could emotionally and mentally bring myself to do their treatments which I suspect with me ultrasound with lymph removal (I will not remove them unless cancer found in them). Along with chemo and hormones.
I am undecided about mastectomy but do not think I can emotionally handle this.
I am almost certain I will not do chemo and form what I just read on hormones not sure I will do that or not but knowing me probably not.
My grown kids of course feel very very strongly I should do whatever the doctor says and are not at all believers in natural healing. I feel they are mad and think I am foolish to even consider not doing whatever the doctor says as my survival rates if I did all drs said is 85% (next stage it drops to 50%).
I just think some of these things are toxic and will interfere with natural healing working.
I am scared to die but scared to do what doctors say too.
a big believer in natural healing for 3 decades, it is different when it is you and your life on the line.
all the sudden I find myself doubting everything I know like will it really work, is it the right decision or should I pull up my courage and do whatever doctors say. i have never done this for the most part unless I agreed it was best. I rarely take their drugs but am not adverse to some surgeries but this one is very hard for me. I went to extreme measures before to avoid it including several months of research at medical library after 3 doctors insisted I needed a mastectomy 22 years ago (I have been cancer free till now for 19 years).
I finally found a teaching hospital and decided first time just lumpectomy and 2nd time lumpectomy with radiation..I did not know as much about alternative health as I do now but what I did know and apply had me only having 1 of the 5 side effects they told me I would have 4 of them for life..never had one and the thing I did have severe 3rd degree burns I did not have on week 2 like everyone else but not till 5 weeks did it come..they kept saying how lucky I was as they did not know I was taking 125 supplements (including many antioxidants) and a special cream of fresh aloe, calendula and vitamin E.
So here is my dilemma I am afraid if I turn up doctors treatments I will lose my good odds of survival and it may not work to do alternative. I am lacking money to do it as good as I would like being well below poverty line. I have noone who can help me with expenses of the herbs etc
I am worried alternative might not work and then the spread to bones is very painful, lungs I saw my dad's suffering with lung cancer and the brain which I do not want to lose as the one thing I have going for me is being gifted and able to know how to do things like the alternative etc, Not to mention the suffering and regret I made the wrong decision and it kills me,
I had been planning to do a 75 day juice fast which I am on day 6 of and now think I will try to extend to 100 days --50 days is longest i ever did with juice fasting.
I plan on doing a few weeks of the master cleanse and when over go right to grape cure for 2 to 4 weeks.
After that I hope I can do a whole food, vegan, 80% raw diet (I feel 100% is ideal but not sure I can do that..the most raw I ever did was 50%) with periodic cleansing.
I am planning to do he full incurables program but cannot do the cold sheet as I am worried i will scream as it is emotionally cathartic and I have had a life of hell and rejection so a lot of emotions to purge. I cannot afford to be thrown out of my home and they will do that if anyone complained. Not sure if it will work without this step as I see it is crucial to a 3 pronged approach
1 the enzymes in the raw produce eats away the protein coating surrounding each cancer cells that prevents immune system from killing it.
doing things like swimming improve lymphatic flow and help get the macrophages, white blood cells, t cells, etc to get to the spot to kill it.
3 the cold sheet causes immune system to double and the artificial fever it creates will vastly include the immune system cells to help kill any cancer cells
If i can't do the cold sheet (everyone said I cannot do it at their house) and I get any lymph nodes removed then it will impair the incurables form working.
also the tincture I have were made 15 years ago..they are sill good Schulze says but the powdered ones like the kidney and liver teas and the superfood and intestinal cleanses #1 and #2 might not be effective as too old.
I have enough maybe to buy a few of the needed herbs from money from a hundred dollars from my sons but this is not enough in light of other things I had to buy to replace all the powdered herbs.
I also plan on taking essiac tea and well the detox formula Schulze uses is very similar to the hoxsey formula.
I just read iodine helps but not understanding that treatment yet. I do not have lugels but another one of a liquid iodine but forget the name and dose of it.
I am looking for anything else that might help me and support on what to do and for alternative healths' power as I do not want to make a mistake and die too young as this might take me.
Please help me. I have helped tens of thousands of people and now I need help,. I am very upset emotionally and overwhelmed with the options and info and diagnosis and what it means.