I have been taking the Humaworm for 7 years now. To tell you the truth I can't remember when I started cutting back. Since I only took it one time last year I averaged about three HW a year. For me I had to because I was so sick and so infected. After I took my first HW cleanse, I took extra strength after that and will continue to take the extra strength.
Now my girlfriend can only take the regular strength and she has been my follower. I have a few posts about her also on my first page. She was told that in 5 years she would not be here due to her liver count being so high and after around her third cleanse her liver count went down. Her doctor could not believe it. This was 7 years ago when we first started. Her liver is still healthy. She was also the one whom could not eat garlic or onion. Both made her sick. Now, she craves both garlic and onion.
She has done as many HW as I have done also as many Hulda Clark Liver flushes as I have. She also went down on her Norco from 6 thousand mgs a day to just 1 thousand mg of norco a day. I went from that much for pain to taking nothing!!!
I have not created resistant critters by staying with the same company which is Humaworm. My mentor told me to stick with the same company and not bounce around. She told me she bounced around and she created resistant parasites. Some companies want you to take their cleanse longer than 30 days and some want you to drink shakes along with herbs.
I don't want to tell anyone which cleanses to take. It is a personal preference. I just do what works for me. RG told us that if we followed his instructions then we would not get resistant parasites. I trusted
His advice and it worked for me and my friend. Larve
Is everywhere so we have to continue to parasite cleanse for the rest of our life if we don't want them to take over our bodies and make us sick. This is how I believe. Everyone can believe what they want to believe.
Yes Humaworm is a slow process but it is safe and with each
Cleanse you start feeling better and better. We
Didn't get sick over night. You are not going to get healed
Over night.
I can tell when I need to do a liver flush. My energy level starts going down a bit. I do one and Bam! My energy is back. Of course I have to do my HW to keep my critters from taking over. I don't think in my opinion you can ever get every single parasite in your body. 70 percent are microscopic.
The higher up in your body that the critters are living the more digested they become before exiting once dead. The flukes that live in acid come out whole. Ascaris round worms love to hide in the BM so if you don't poke you may not see them. I don't put mine in a strainer. I just take a chop stick and poke. So far this cleanse I just seen one very tiny ascaris and just a few liver flukes. I only did one HW cleanse last year. I didn't have time to tske care of myself but this year is a different story. It is going to be my year.
I am into my third week on HW and I am noticing my head tremor going away again. Yeah!!! It is a very uncomfortable feeling. I'm also not feeling as much movement under my scalp like I did the first two weeks. All is good for me. Donna