About men-women, a few years ago I would call you sexist and leave the room!!:) today, all I can say we are out of balance, but you dont like that word.. but it is true. It is painful, as we definitely need the equilibrium from our counterpart.
Equilibrium; better?
Lewisford explained it as a deficiency; I know you know, but since this is a forum...;
"I believe our falling marriage rate, our
declining birth rate, our rising rates of domestic abuse and
divorce, the increasing dissatisfaction in those marriages
that avoid divorce, the increasing rates of drug dependency
and addition, and the decline of civility in our society are
mostly caused by the increasing incidence and intensity of
hormonal imbalances in our society. Basically we (about
99% of Americans) eat too little Iodine and this causes
excessively high levels of sex hormones. Those high sex
hormone levels then slow our metabolism, speed up our
sexual maturation and aging, undermine positive moods,
make us emotionally insensitive, decrease our ability to fall
and stay in love, raise our stress hormone levels, and/or
also tend to make us too fat, and too sexually driven, to
enjoy sex very well. They also tend to make us greedier,
grumpier and angrier. Such romantic dysfunctions are also
early symptoms of other health problems that, sooner or
later, are likely to also undermine our physical and mental