I found this info from Willow and Uny when I asked questions a few years ago.
Here's Uny's reply :
This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile. Once you get everything balanced with the IF#1/IF#2 you'll feel much, MUCH BETTER. You don't have to "suffer through" doing this protocol - you're body will love it (and so will you) once it all comes together.
Rushing things with the IF#1 is the fastest way to 'slow down' the coming together, which is why
Dr. Schulze always reminds us it took years/decades to get ourselves into this situation, let's be patient and go "one IF#1 at a time" to find what is right for us.
He suggests taking them all with the evening meal. I suggest IF that's not working to produce more than one bm, one can split the doses.
How this works: the cathartic herbs in IF#1 contain a natural substance called emodin. Emodin is a slight irritant to the colon which makes the colon squeeze to 'move it along'. (YAY - the muscles of peristalsis get exercised & strengthened, unlike other things that make us go). But splitting the doses doesn't necessarily provide enough of the herbs in 'one location at one time' to create the squeezing necessary to create a bowel movement.
Let's say someone perceives they need 10 IF#1's per day. Taking them at 10 different times a day would have a TOTALLY different effect than taking several at a time. Taking them all separately would likely produce crampy, gassy, runny stools from morning till night :( But taking 2 with each meal would likely produce 3 bms.
Feel free to 'play with the dosage' however you would like (that's one of the benefits of using natural substances rather than chemical drugs that "must be taken" on a rigid schedule to prevent harm). Just remember that after decades in his clinic,
Dr. Schulze still advises working up by one each day with the evening meal and then taking it from there, and to add the IF#2 after one has achieved at least 2 bms daily with the IF#2.
Regarding the added magnesium...?...yeah, it might have had increased bowel activity. If you take magnesium with the IF#1 it'll be tough to figger out what exactly is doing what.
Keep up the good work (and keep us updated as you progress). I'll be here to add 'thinks & thoughts' as often as I can :)
Blessings -