Just thought it was time to speak up.
When i first joined this forum I was pestered by another member, Natway, who I see posting extremely disrespectful comments about the legitamacy of Adrenal Fatigue (after learning he had been banned from the Adrenal Fatigue Support and Nutritional Balancing Forums).
I have also noticed others mention his other 'personas' a ex copywrighter, I follow language traits and dialogue, and can also suggest that the other users such as Raindew, have an almost exact grammatical dialogue as Natway. Food for thought.
I for one, worked with Dr Graham, the creator of the 80/10/10 way of life. I fasted with him in Costa Rica, I ate 30 bannanas a day, and I got more and more sick.
I spent two years with that programme, and began with stage 2 AF, light fatigue and some minor health problems, and ended in 3D Af with Type 2 diabetes. It destroyed what life I had. I am now bedbound, and extremely poorly.
And before he pipes up, my Micro and Macro nutrients where balanced by Dr Graham and so was my calorie intake. Dr Graham, the founder of the diet.
So be very careful before listening to him if you have AF. I am sure that it might be helpful to healthy people in short term bursts, but those of you living with severe Adrenal Fatigue, I would be very careful taking any advice from him.