Honestly speaking, how does living with this condition make you feel as a person? I feel dirty, worthless, like a freak, totally abnormal; I often question my existence as a person. Having a chronic condition such as this, should not make any of us question our worth as a person but unfortunately I do.
Of all the many things to worry about, my life hinges on chronic
Body Odor ; let that sink in for a couple of seconds. I don't understand why this is happening, or more importantly why I can't seem to get rid of this plague on my life. Even more importantly, why is it that a lot healthcare professionals seemingly chalk it up to a lack of hygiene, or worse, a mental condition?
I've once read that God doesn't care about our happiness here on earth; that God only cares about His glory. I'm not sure how accurate any of this actually is, other than the fact God does care about His glory, His will, and his way. If God in fact doesn't care about human happiness, then He would have been much better off creating robots instead of humans.
I absolutely hate living like this. I hate it even more when people attempt to downplay this condition (or worse yet, patronize) with words of "it could always be worse." Really? Well no duh, captain obvious; of course it could always be worse. I know I come off as sounding angry; that's because I am and with good reason. I'm angry at this condition and no one in particular.