General information here for you--lots of utube videos by medical clinics across the USA have very updated research material, like the Albert Mensah medical Clinic outside Chicago.
Here is a great 92 min new vid up on the entire spectrum of the 5 biotypes of "depression" (the SYMPTOM!): pyrolurics, undermethylation, overmethylation, heavy metals, high copper, & 5% other:
"Anxiety & Depression: Treating the Root Cause Rather than Symptoms" - Learn about the Five Biotypes
At his clinic website, & on utube are also very key 1 hour+ videos of SPECIFICALLY autism, ADHD, ADD, Alzheimers, etc.
Pleasse watch them & take notes.
There is also Dr. Klinghardt of Seattle (Bellevue) WA videos up very detailed--he's been treating pyroluria for longer than most anyone.
his website klinghardtacademy. has all his videos up for free viewing.
Do you know for certain which group of the 5 you are in? have u had a pyrroles urine test done?
Interesting in the Mensah vid, he says some patients get well right off the bat with nothing but zinc & plain Vitamin B6!
so u may not even need the expensive P5P.
That jives perfectly with a post here of a medical abstract from 1982 clearly stating that B6 & Zinc are caught up in a "catch 22" with each other:
The derivation of picolinic acid from tryptophan depends on the action of the enzyme kynureninase, which is dependent on pyridoxal phosphate; therefore, the adequate absorption of zinc is indirectly dependent on an adequate supply of vitamin B6. The formation of pyridoxal phosphate ( ie P5P), on the other hand, appears to be indirectly dependent on Zn2++ which activates pyridoxal kinase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)