Hello everyone.
I have suffered from unexplained debilitating fatigue for 2 years. After exhausting (no pun intended) all the avenues to explain this fatigue which has rendered me bedridden I went to Dr. Cahill and got diagnosed with e. histolytica. Before I ask my question, I would like to say that I don't fall into the strict definition of chronic fatigue syndrome, I don't have sore throats, pain, no stomach issues, diarrhea or any other symptom other then debilitating daily fatigue. That said, I am kind of scared to take the
Antibiotics Cahill gave me for fear of getting even worse, although I admit there's not much worse then being in bed all day. Dr. Cahill gave me Doxy, Paromycin, and Tinizadole.
Is this the right move? Could it be the answers to my unexplained fatigue? Worth a try? Right
Antibiotics to try?
Thank you for your input :)