I've been to the earth and back trying to research what has happened to my health since 2005. That year I was doing a lot of traveling as a corporate trainer for a restaurant chain. I helped to open up new locations and train all the staff. It was hard work. 14 hour days, 6 days a week. Living off Starbucks and energy drinks to keep going.
I was in Seattle for one of those trips when I became extremely ill. It was nothing like I had ever experienced. I originally began feeling very flu'ish and had developed some kind of sore on my bottom lip, which I never had before. I kept working through it and eventually it got so bad that my temps were 100+, my whole body hurt, I'd sweat profusely in my sleep, and I developed some kind of infection/absess in my gumline near my back-bottom left wisdom tooth.
Eventually it got so bad that I couldn't take it anymore, I mean even my stools were turning black and my mouth was so bad it hurt to eat. I checked myself into a local hospital in the area. The doctor didn't give me any kind of full examination, he simply listened to what I was saying, took a look at my mouth and then prescribed some
Antibiotics (Penicillin 500v). I was instructed to fly home and rest up.
That's exactly what I did. After about a month I started feeling better and the infection seemed to have cleared up. Then it started happening. All kinds of weird symptoms began turning up, enough to make me feel like a crazy person. The bloating, nausea, and lethargy were the worst. I began investigating thyroid adrenal problems because much of it sounded familiar. I've had panels that seem very questionable.
However, I am curious as to whether the origin of my problems is staph. One of the longstanding symptoms I've had is my nose is always congested. It's so bad it builds up during the course of the night and I end up breathing through my mouth, which disrupts my sleep. The inside of my nose commonly feels inflamed and these days the tip seems to be swelling. I've had this bizarre red/pink dot on my nose for the past couple years too.
There was also this time about a year ago where I plucked a nose hair and I swear the entire bulbous part of the front of my nose turned red and swelled up for about 2 weeks. It hurt so bad. I now currently have a lot of pressure in my forehead and behind the eyes that just doesn't seem to go away. I know that with staph people can get boils. I thought long and hard about that ..... I specifically remember back around 2005-2007 I would get painful bumps on my buttocks. I just thought it was
Acne or something at the time. Over the past couple of years I've gotten these same kinds of bumps on the back of my scalp.
Does this sound familiar to anyone? I just find it odd that when I was seeing doctors up until 2009, they didn't even think anything of the infection I told them about that I had in my mouth.