This happened shortly after having an
Amalgam filling removed improperly in 05:
I was curious to detox my body of heavy metals so i started taking chlorella supplements and was eating cilantro. At the time i had 4 additional fillings in my mouth. After 1 day of eating cilantro and taking chlorella i developed a weird headache. I felt kinda dazed, tired and had a little sinus pressure. i stopped taking these things. after this i developed the same headache every time i ate certain foods...i noticed it the most with fermented foods, spices, certain teas. i had this for months and it eventually calmed down, however i still get a bit drowsy when i eat ginger, certain spices or fermented foods.
Could this be a mercury issue or something else? its one of those mystery symptoms and no doctor was ever able to explain it. i even went to a prominent allergist at the time and he said not to worry
Anyway, i am planning to have my fillings removed and detox properly