Hi, I've had alot of pain and wide spread health ailments for a long time. Because of my undiagnosed conditions,
I'm pretty worried right now because I feel like my brain may be bleeding or something as I'm having this pulsating pain. :/
I realize I wrote more than I expected so I wanted to summarize with this :
I want to do anything possible to get over this massive head ache pain I'm having. I don't know if it is just a passing infection or what so any ideas are appreciated. What kind of protocol or supplements and foods could I incorporate for a possible autoimmune/possible cancer/possible lymes related massive head ache?
I listed the supplements I currently take below and some history of my recent health concerns. Appreciate any input.
My primary problems are probably digestive intolerance and newly formed
food allergies but I also have widespread joint pain and slight bone deformities with crippling
Arthritis (I'm in my mid 30s). I think I formed leaky gut from eating bad food all my life which led to a myriad of autoimmune and possible cancer conditions.
My blood tests do not show many abnormalities despite legions of tests and I have never managed to get a diagnosis... but I have not been tested for anything since this head pain started.
I injured myself around halloween and I believe slightly dislocated my jaw. A few weeks after the accident I noticed I was hearing a constant hum from my right ear. I believe I may have injured my tmj and that it has led to a form of tinnitus. What concerns me the most however, is that I am now getting massive head aches. like migraines or something. I've never really had massive continuous head aches before. I'm not sure if this is a passing infection or what though, I was nauseus last week for a few days and that went away but now the head ache pain and humming has just taken over. My jaw has mostly healed and is back in place where it should be but I'm not sure if I got an infection from a partially dislodged tooth. Could that cause head ache and ear ringing? an infection? I'm just not sure whether to think this is a mechanical cause or pathogenic.
I have read this kind of hum can relate to a tumor resonating or possibly that I could be having an aneyrism or something like that. I don't feel like going to the hospital and getting xrays and mri's with contrast is a good idea, because of the health risk I've read that's involved with the diagnostic testing. I feel like in my weakened state I won't survive a hospital or the atmosphere or tests. I want to thin my blood or reverse some kind of tumor growth or I don't know :/
what can someone do in this situation?
I have organic msm water which I have been taking again. In my diet currently I avoid gmo's as much as possible and gluten but I do still eat grains a bit(rice and frozen processed gluten free products) and meat (mostly chicken. some fish. occasional beef). I had been eating more produce but I slipped back into my unhealthy ways in the past few months so I am working on incorporating more salads and carrots and assorted vegetables into my daily intake. I have also began taking daily multivitamins in addition to about 4grams of vitamin c. I drink caffeine free green tea and take a vitamin d supplement as well. I also take a enzyme pill with some meals and a probiotic after eating. I take several drops of liquid ionic magnesium, potassium, zinc and selenium thruout the day. Oh and I also take a b12.
My diet is kind of gone since these head aches for the past week :/ I went from eating two large meals a day to one single meal and practically never getting the hunger sensation. It scares me.
Any suggestions on what I need to do to help my brain? pain? What kind of treatment regimen could I incorporate? What foods or supplements could I ad or avoid? I just really don't think going to the hospital is going to be any help. especially not this time of year.
My brain aches. It feels as if the life is being sucked out of me. It aches from the front sinus area to the top middle forehead area and sometimes a bit higher towards mid head. Ive read about photon genius treatment and there is a place about 2-3 hours from where I live. Do you think I could benefit from trying to get treatment that way? Would weekly treatments be effective or do you need to do it daily?
thanks for reading